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Another tasty way to spcie up oatmeal...

For my first Medifast meal in my new home, I fixed the French Vanilla Berry Oatmeal as directed, with a little less water, then added coffee and a Splenda packet to it. TASTY!!
Read more : Another tasty way to spcie up oatmeal... | Views : 890 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Our dear friends at Walden Farms have done it again!

Remember a while back I posted about Walden Farms salad dressings? 0 calories, 0 fat, 0 carbs and 0 sugar. Well they have done it again! They just made available travel sized pouches of dressings that you can slip in your purse (or pocket if you're one of "the guys" and don't happen to carry a purse!). Their general web store for all products is available at and the page specific for the new ...
Read more : Our dear friends at Walden Farms have done it again! | Views : 2690 | Replies : 28 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Diet Coke with Lime

Wow, anybody tried this yet? I just did, and found it VERY refreshing and delightful! Apparently lots of people have for years put a bit of lime juice in their coca-cola. I'd never heard of it. This new Diet Coke with Lime is good, with no calories and carb free! Just another item in our toolbox of no harm no foul snacks! :pour: ...
Read more : Diet Coke with Lime | Views : 845 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

September Specials

September Specials, while supplies last

Medifast 55 Strawberry Creme & Orange Pineapple
Medifast 55 shakes are the cornerstone of a Medifast program for women who want to lose 15 pounds or more. Medifast 55 is a line of heart healthy, kosher shakes that contains 11 total grams of protein and 24 essential vitamins and minerals per serving.
Sale Price $10.99 > Original $13.85

Medifast 70 Strawberry Creme
Medifast 70 shakes are for men and ...
Read more : September Specials | Views : 847 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Monthly Specials

Middle Eastern Coffee

Have you ever had Israeli or Arabic coffee??? It is STRONG and flavored with cardamom....delicious!

You can buy ground cardamom at the grocery store.

Middle Eastern coffee Medifast stlye 8) .....

6 to 8 oz. strong coffee (or use water and good quality instant coffee granules)

1 package MF French Vanilla

1/2 tsp. ground cardamom (more or less to according to taste)

1 package sweetner (you can ...
Read more : Middle Eastern Coffee | Views : 729 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Gum review

I go in fits and starts with my gum 'chewage', today's one of those days when it's savin' me.

I was really surprised by how good some of the sugarless gum is, I really like these:
Dentyne Fire
Chiclets strawberry breeze
Chiclets citrus samba
Dentyne wintergreen
Dentyne spearmint

BUT I tried Eclipse Cherry Chill today and it was YUCKY! It's like cough syrup in a gum, BEWARE!

For mints/candies I like s'mint and sqyntz ...
Read more : Gum review | Views : 1257 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

** It's Legal** Dessert Time: Choc Banana Split Puddin'

Here ya go - a great dessert using the Yummy MF Chocolate Puddin'

Chocolate Banana Split Puddin'

1 packet of Medifast Chocolate Pudding – (You may use the regular Medifast line or the Fit! Choc Pudding)

4 oz Sparkling Water -(no carbs-no sugar) Strawberry-Banana Flavor

*Drop of Fat Free Cool Whip or a squirt of Redi Whip Cream (optional)

Pour 4 oz of chilled Sparkling Strawberry-Banana water into bowl.

Add the contents of one Pudding ...
Read more : ** It's Legal** Dessert Time: Choc Banana Split Puddin' | Views : 986 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Savory Cheesy Creamy Broccoli Soup

This is very good.

My husband Terry :x HATES brocc - he can't even stand it when I am cooking it. In fact, most everything green is not his favorite, unless it is the infield at a baseball game or the playing field at a football game.

When he first started the Medifasting Five and One Plan, he thought he would not be able to deal with ...
Read more : Savory Cheesy Creamy Broccoli Soup | Views : 1144 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


I know there's a bunch of coffee variations already posted which is where the basic recipe for this comes from, and hopefully I'm not repeating this one here but wanted to share this as I thought it was heavenly.


8-10oz cold water
1 package VANILLA Medifast 55
1 teaspoon instant coffee granules
swig or 2 of Da Vinci Caramel Gourmet Sugarless Syrup
5-6 ice cubes

Blend in blender until smooth.
Read more : CARAMEL ICED COFFEE | Views : 778 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Strawberry Sorbet/Ice cream!!!

I was messing around with my blender, some medifast and some sugar free jello and i came up with this...It uses two packets of medifast for thickness but i don't eat all of it at once, only when i am really craving icecream or as a small snack if i am hungry:

2 packets strawberry creme medifast
20 packets splenda
One packet of Sugar free soarin strawberry lemonade kool-aid
(make sure it's not the kind ...
Read more : Strawberry Sorbet/Ice cream!!! | Views : 798 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


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