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What Triggers Membership Status Change?

Hi Unca,

I have a question for ya regarding the membership status descriptions appearing below our names when we post in the forum.

As an example, I am listed as a Newbie, while other members may be listed as regular members, trusted members or preferred members.

At first, I thought it may have to do with the number of posts each member has made (common on a lot of forums), but now I am leaning ...
Read more : What Triggers Membership Status Change? | Views : 554 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Web Room

selling all my clothes!

Hi everyone. Please PM me if you would like a link to my auctions on ebay. I am spending the next several weeks selling everything that was in my closet. Mostly 18/20, but some other sizes mixed in as well.
Read more : selling all my clothes! | Views : 743 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Swap N Shop


Hi! I'm not sure if anyone has done this yet but thought I would share. I took the new orange crystal lite, the vanilla shake and some ice and blended together for an orange creamsicle. Yummy!
Read more : Creamsicle | Views : 969 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

my favorite

I just have to tell you all how wonderful the toasted marshmellow davinci sf syrup is with the dutch chocolate shakes, it reminds me of B&J's phish food ice cr., make it real thick and cold with blended ice and have yourself a party! :D
Read more : my favorite | Views : 847 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Anyone have any Orange Pineapple shake Recipes? :)

I started shaking a couple of days ago! Im really excited about the program and have not strayed yet, but I have a bit of an unexpected problem!

When I ordered my shakes I thought the flavors I would most enjoy would be Orange Pineapple and Vanilla- So I made my order all Vanilla and Orange Pineapple save for one box of Banana and one box of strawberry creme.

Now I LOVE the Vanilla, its ...
Read more : Anyone have any Orange Pineapple shake Recipes? :) | Views : 825 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

MF Foodie Packets For Sale!

Hello everybody!

If anyone is interested in buying these, preferably all in one shipment to one person, please PM me. After getting a new box o' stuff, I figured I'd get rid of the ones I'm less than thrilled with. Someone else though may LOVE these flavors...

<edit>PM or email for details - UT</edit>

9 Banana MF 70 Shake packets
5 Chicken & Rice Soup packets
5 Minestrone packets
6 Banana Pudding packets

PM me ...
Read more : MF Foodie Packets For Sale! | Views : 682 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Swap N Shop

DaVinci syrup find

Hey there everyone. Well I really thought Spring break would be catch up time for me, and I planned to do lots of posting here also, but it didn't work out that way. I think I was really needing a break or something, and I was totally lazy until Thursday. So now I am paying the price! Study all weekend to be ready for midterms Tuesday. Welcome to any newbies that I haven't responded to.......I've ...
Read more : DaVinci syrup find | Views : 4822 | Replies : 61 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

something NOT to try!!!

I absent mindedly grabbed a dutch chocolate 55 tonight for making my hot cocoa. Noticed it mixed funny... And was really thick... In the middle of nuking it, I suddenly realized what I had done!! I tried sticking it in the freezer, but no amount of help was going to save that mess!! I did myself a favor and didn't force myself to gag it down.

Always check your packets before mixing them!! I'm still ...
Read more : something NOT to try!!! | Views : 1084 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Made a couple of dumb purchases....anyone want to swap?

I thought I was buying the FIT RTD's and ended up with a vanilla, chocolate and creamsicle FIT shakes (that you need to mix, not RTD's). and I thought I would LOVE the tropical punch, and its not appealing to my taste buds, so I have 2 boxes of that to trade. I like the vanilla, orange/pineapple and banana shakes. Chicken noodle soup, chili, minnestrone, cream of tomato soups, or if you have something else, ...
Read more : Made a couple of dumb purchases....anyone want to swap? | Views : 847 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Chili needs help


I tried the suggestions I read here: I added beef boullion, onion, chili powder, and salsa. I even let it soak overnight, but the beans were still hard, and the taste was not like any chili I've ever had before. Any other ideas to make it tasty?
Read more : Chili needs help | Views : 2760 | Replies : 24 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


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