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Guess what I just got?!?!

A magic bullet!! I found one locally for cheap, so I grabbed that puppy and it just arrived home. My next supplement isn't until 12:30 or so, so I have to wait to play with it!

How much water/ice does everyone use?

And for those of you with lots of davinci experience, what's the difference between amaretto/almond, french vanilla/vanilla, and hazelnut/toasted hazelnut? I've been waiting to get some of these, but now that winter is ...
Read more : Guess what I just got?!?! | Views : 1900 | Replies : 16 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Would it be rude to ask...

Who are you Unca Tim? I see you snookered to Nancy's counter with a Magic Bullet in the early morning hours. Are you like the Bullet fairy? I think I've read somewhere that you reside in the Medi Cottage - are you all related? good friends? I obviously have "no need to know"; just been curious since arriving here in March. Please feel free to make this message disappear if it's inappropriate to ask. Afterall, ...
Read more : Would it be rude to ask... | Views : 625 | Replies : 5 | Forum : The Web Room

Forum Morons

Sorry, for those of you that witnessed the morons that got on the forum earlier today. Unfortunately, I was away in a meeting at the time.

Email me if you find any inappropriate posts.
Read more : Forum Morons | Views : 609 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Web Room

leappad books

i dont know if this is ok or not but i was wondering if anyone would be interested in trading shakes for leap pad books i have a bunch of them unopened in sealed packages they are the books with a cartridge that are used in the leap pad books they sell for around 15.00 each depending on where you buy them i also have a ton of 5.00 off the leap pad coupons ...
Read more : leappad books | Views : 538 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Swap N Shop

food i dont like

i have the chicken and wild rice and chick noodle soups 2 boxes each would anyone be interested in trading for shakes?


<snip>no emails please - Mr. Snippy</snip>

<comment>please register and add your email - members will be able to contact you through your email button - UT</comment>
Read more : food i dont like | Views : 553 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Pseudo Vichyssoise (Hot or Cold)

Or, in english, yummy potato soup. :D

I can't believe how close this tastes to the real thing.

In a blender mix a chicken fast soup or 1 cup of chicken bouillon. Add about 1 C of very well cooked cauliflower and about a TBS of chopped green onion or shallots (shallots taste the best). Puree for about a minute. Chill for about an hour, or ...
Read more : Pseudo Vichyssoise (Hot or Cold) | Views : 643 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Old Fashion Soda Fountain Chocolate Shake

If you can find Canfield's S/F Chocolate Fudge soda, this is a wonderful way to have your shakes.

Use a really big glass because this will end up with a head on top like a float. Pour a chocolate shake over ice and slowly add about half the can of soda. Stir it a bit and then add the rest of the soda. If you use a partially frozen shake, it's even better.
Read more : Old Fashion Soda Fountain Chocolate Shake | Views : 988 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Apple and Cinnamon Flan

Well sort of :lol:
I am a HUGE fan of the Apple and Cinnamon Oatmeal!!
I eat it probably twice a day!
Well last night for my late night snack before bed I made a bowl in a plastic container put in a little less water and let it get nice and firm
after 2 minutes in the microwave and then added a few packets of Splenda. ...
Read more : Apple and Cinnamon Flan | Views : 746 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

How do I make the pudding without LUMPS?

I ordered the bannana pudding and like the taste, :D but I just cannot seem to get rid of the lumps! :( I'm just stirring it with a spoon and I tried adding more water, but it made it too "loose" (still edible) but not preferrable.

Any suggestions and I would prefer NOT to use the blender. Thanks! ...
Read more : How do I make the pudding without LUMPS? | Views : 3877 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Ground meats

hi everyone!

i had a quickie question about ground meats. i just bought some ground chicken and didnt know if it was ok to consider it a chicken. ok i know that may sound totally stupid, especially after seeing it typed out in black and white! :oops:

the reason i ask is that i have my starter book that says 5 oz. of lean protein. then i ...
Read more : Ground meats | Views : 718 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


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