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Any Advice about Lean/Green meals?

I've just completed my first day on MF. I was going to full fast for the weekdays and do a 5/1 plan on the weekends. Seems I read that here somewhere..... Anyhow, I'd like to pre-make grocery store L/G's and package them up for the week. What do some of you folks like or do you have any favorites I can try? I'm on my way to Wally World today to pick up pickles, celery ...
Read more : Any Advice about Lean/Green meals? | Views : 915 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Supplement Question

I was wondering if it is ok to add a Fast Soup to a meal replacement soup. I did this with the chicken and rice but was wondering if it was not balanced right - like Nancy says do not save up your food- or ok because the Fast Soup is an extra ? It sure tasted good hence I am suspicious :) Mytime
Read more : Supplement Question | Views : 749 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

RTD's - Any variations?

Ok, so this may be a silly question - since the beauty of the RTD's is supposed to be that they are READY to drink....but, I'll ask anyway.

Has anyone tried using them in a Magic Bullet (or blender) with ice (or extra water) to make them ice cold and thick like a shake? And, if so, did it affect the taste - or how similar is it to the powdered shakes if you fix ...
Read more : RTD's - Any variations? | Views : 578 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

I need help with my oatmeal

I bought samples of the oatmeal flavors and tried one tonight. I had the french vanilla berry. It smells really good, but the taste was blah. I even put in three packets of sweet n low and a little bit of salt to flavor and it barely made a difference. I put in just under 3/4 cup water and added a little bit more as I stirred. Am I missing something? The consistency was like ...
Read more : I need help with my oatmeal | Views : 1075 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

I have oatmeal and soup to trade

I have a few boxes of MF items to trade. I would like to get bars or chocolate shakes. Any bars except for Chocolate Mint and Fruit and nut granola.

I have

9 total packets of Apple oatmeal
12 total packets of Chicken noodle soup
12 total packets of Chicken and Wild Rice

All were purchased less than a month ago, so they all expire in 06.

I would like to trade to one person, ...
Read more : I have oatmeal and soup to trade | Views : 625 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Swap N Shop


Hi Everyone, This is my 5th day on Medifast and I have to say I am feeling really good. The first 3 days were very hard, was hungry, crabby and felt light headed. I am glad that I stuck with it, so far it looks like I'm down about 4lbs. Question I have is that for my first order I placed it thru the medifast official website and got one week of free food. I ...
Read more : QUESTION ABOUT ONE WEEK FREE FOOD | Views : 950 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Order Info

I'm in heaven

I decided to mix the dutch chocolate shake and the SF Davinci caramel syrup and it tastes scrumptious! I can't wait until I get the other syrups I ordered!
Read more : I'm in heaven | Views : 706 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

dinner recipes...

I need some recipes that me and my husband can both eat, like chicken, beef or whatever w/ veggies. Everything I find elsewhere is so bland sounding and I am not a good experimenter.
Read more : dinner recipes... | Views : 1074 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Summer clothes

Hi all, I have some summer clothes that are just hanging in my closet taking up space. I would like to get rid of them to make space for new ones. HA! I have some shorts, capris, dress pants, and a few shirts. Most are size 16W or size 18. I would like to just get rid of the whole lot as opposed to piece by piece.

Let me know if you are interested. I ...
Read more : Summer clothes | Views : 681 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Newsletter question

Good afternoon,

I have a quick question, and wasn't sure where (in which forum) to ask, so I came here....I'm wondering if we can expect more MMT newsletters from Nancy in the future. I remember when I first joined this site I read and reread every single monthly newsletter and found them to be not just inspirational, but informative and helpful. The most recent letter is from Jan., and I would love to have another ...
Read more : Newsletter question | Views : 520 | Replies : 3 | Forum : The Web Room


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