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Lean and Green

I was just wondering about what everyone eats for the lean and green. I'm not creative when it comes to meals and making something healthy so i could use some good ideas.
Read more : Lean and Green | Views : 827 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Help i can't find DaVinci...

I can't find Davinici in my grochery store. Am I looking in the wrong place for it? I Know planet smoothie uses it in their smoothies but i don't know if they sell them.
Read more : Help i can't find DaVinci... | Views : 498 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Vanilla Berry Oatmeal

I heard that they are discontinuing the Vanilla Berry Oatmeal? It is one of my favorites. I want to know so that I can stock up, if that is true.
Read more : Vanilla Berry Oatmeal | Views : 574 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Order Info

Tis the season!!!!!

Okay, you all probably have already done this before BUT I just did it today and YUM-Ooo!!! :mrgreen:

With my usual cinnamon and Splenda to my MF Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal I threw in some Pumpkin Pie spice too.

The smell alone was incredible and when I heated it up here at work today, everyone wanted to know what I had, if I could have it and ...
Read more : Tis the season!!!!! | Views : 529 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Salad Dressing Selection...

Need to find a dressing that a)isn't ranch and b)isn't a vinegrette. Anyone have any suggestions? Also, when shopping for dressing, there is "fat free"-usually with tons of carbs, or there is "carb-free"-usually with tons of fat!! Which is the better way to go??? Going shopping today, to get lost in the dressing aisle and come home empty handed again. :?
Read more : Salad Dressing Selection... | Views : 760 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

I'll take Dutch Chocolate off your hands!

If any of you guys are still looking to get rid of your Dutch chocolate shakes, here's what I have to offer:

3 boxes of apple cin oatmeal
8 boxes of vanilla shakes
2 boxes of fruit & nut bars

I bought 2 starter kits and I'm going through the chocolate at breakneck pace!

Happy shakin'
Read more : I'll take Dutch Chocolate off your hands! | Views : 727 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Swap N Shop


It's October and in this family that means Beer, Brats, and saurkraut (sp?) time.

Cabbage is an acceptable green, right? I know that trad kraut is fulla sugar and bacon and such, but I made some plain kraut with half store bought and half fresh cabbage, some apple cider vinegar, and a buncha splenda and that's it. It's really good. The package of the ready made saurkraut said 5 cals and 1 carb. But I ...
Read more : Saurkraut? | Views : 510 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Hey, They Listened!!

Well! It's always nice when one gets the feeling that a company has actually responded to customer suggestions!

I have two compliments for Medifast: first is for the TSFL website, which elsewhere I have criticized for being user-unfriendly. There have been a lot of improvements in the website and the way it is used in the last couple of months. It's still not perfect by a longshot, but it is so much better than it ...
Read more : Hey, They Listened!! | Views : 531 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Order Info

Oatmeal Lovers Please contact me!

This kitten has decided that oatmeal isnt really for me, so I would like to offer 2 full boxes of apple cinnamon and 6 packets of vanilla berry. I would be happy to receive any shakes in return.

thanks in advance,

mfkitten :-P
Read more : Oatmeal Lovers Please contact me! | Views : 407 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Shakes for...

Hi everyone,

I have 8 packets of vanilla, 6 chai latte packets, 5 swiss mocha packets. A total of 18 packets. I will like to trade for pudding, oatmeal, or bars if anyone is interested. Tired of the same old same old. I am now addicted to pudding and oatmeal YUM!!!

Thanks Angie
Read more : Shakes for... | Views : 465 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Swap N Shop


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