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All that hard work and now what? Let's talk about how to keep those pounds off...

A slightly diminished pep in my step!

Good morning, folks! Well, all of my posts have been enthusiastic about all my renewed energy and pep in my step - which is true - but sometimes life interferes...

Don't worry, I didn't fall off the wagon!

On Monday night, while walking home from work, I got hit by a car! Yeah, I know, crazy, right? Who gets hit by a car? Well, I was airborne (gotta thank the weight loss for that one), ...
Read more : A slightly diminished pep in my step! | Views : 4068 | Replies : 50

Maintenance Medalion Waiting!

Seems that most of us---maintainers---are posting in our journals and kind of neglecting this MAINTENANCE forum.
It is working out okay, tho', because it seems to be an encouragement to those who are working toward goal.
I know that's why I do most of my posting on JOURNAL.
And the Maintenance Club is growing!
Important thing is that we do post and account for our mainenance efforts.
Good going, everyone...your Maintenance Medalion is waiting!
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What's REALLY changed?

So I thought about this after a conversation in a journal with someone afraid of losing weight and the changes it will bring? I maintain that very little is actually different, and most of what HAS changed is within me (and completely by choice). Jo says there are LOTS of changes. So what do the rest of you think, and what's really changed since you lost the weight?

For me, my family/friends/job are the same. ...
Read more : What's REALLY changed? | Views : 2598 | Replies : 15

Transition soon!!

Ok so I have a question since I am so close to transition. It states in the quickstart guide that for persons who have lost over 100 pounds needs to be on a 29 day transition. So since the guide is only for 14 days or so, then how do I do the transition for more days, elongate each period for a few days? Just don't want to mess this up after losing 150 pounds!! ...
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Maintenance medalion

Soooooo, what say we maintainers use this medalion in our sigs? Just a thought.
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Just droppin in to say hi

You may or may not remember me. I was on medifast for about 10 mos. lost 72 pounds and have been maintaining for about 7 mos now.

I pretty much eat 2 l&Gs and have yogurt, fruit, cereal, special k bar or quakers soy cakes for my other meals/snacks.

I decided I just didn't want to keep eating medifast meals so asked a friend who is a weight watchers teacher how many points to maintain ...
Read more : Just droppin in to say hi | Views : 875 | Replies : 11

Thoughts on Meal Preparation

I'm sitting here enjoying my lunch of homemade, baked chicken 'nuggets' and a spinach salad with a sprinkle of cranberries and almond slivers, and it got me to thinking about meal prep.

I took the time last week to cut up a pack of chicken breasts I got on sale, sprinkle on a spice mix and bake up the whole package. Then I separated them into 6 oz containers and put them in the freezer ...
Read more : Thoughts on Meal Preparation | Views : 901 | Replies : 2

Jo and maintenance.

Well, since I'm officially done with transition and in maintenance, I thought I should post here from time to time. I do post in my journal almost daily, but I'll post questions and other stuff here.

Right now, I'm 5 pounds under my goal.....somethin's going right. :mrgreen:

My first question is: What kind of yogurt do you folks use? I went to the store and bought ...
Read more : Jo and maintenance. | Views : 2682 | Replies : 18

So far so great...

This transition thing seems to be suiting me just fine, so far! I am dragging it out looong, so that there's no big shift in my days to wreak havoc on my system. For the first week I just added one fruit to each day. Then I began including my newest FAVORITE item, the Fage 0% Greek Yogurt. I put cinnamon in it and dip apple wedges, it's like heaven on earth. I have been ...
Read more : So far so great... | Views : 3015 | Replies : 22

Nearing Transition...

Ok, Transition Team...
What are the three things that you wish you knew, or wish you had done differently, as you entered transition? I'm to join you shortly and can use all the help that I can get. Your $.02 will be greatly appreciated!
Read more : Nearing Transition... | Views : 2469 | Replies : 15


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