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There is lots of talk about the syrup on these threads and I wonder if you know how easy it is to make your own calorie-free syrup? I was just thinking about it when 24K mentioned sambucca (anise) syrup.

So here is the basic recipe:

1 cup syrup:
1 cup water
1/2 tbsp extract
1 tbsp liquid splenda, or 1 cup granular Splenda
1/4 -1/2 tsp xanthan gum

Bring water, extract and sweetener to a ...
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B-52 syrup

Well along with most of the rest of you, I invested in several DaVinci syrups when I started Medifasting. But there was one that I think everyone might stray away from because you really don't know what it is, B-52.
I took a chance and ordered it, just to be adventerous, and I'm glad I did. Just so you all know and can keep it in mind next time you order, B-52 syrup is kind ...
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Amaretto Chocolate

I LOVE amaretto. Mixed in orange juice, mixed with cream, mixed into chocolate and made into truffles (a Christmas favorite to make), made into a sauce for chicken, anything. One of the things I miss on Medifast is the occasional "bocci ball," o.j. and amaretto.

I ordered some of the amaretto davinci syrup, and it came yesterday. Tonight I mixed an ounce of it in with three ounces of water and a DC shake. Mixed ...
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Im a MF happy girl

MMMM I just had a dutch chocolate shake with cinnamon, cardamon and splenda added and I heated it to make it extra special, ohhhh I am such a happy lucky girl !!!! yummy :D my life is so good !!!! :D
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Reesies Peanut Butter

mmmmmm....did I just find a nice one.

I'm not much of a sweets or candy fan, but if you put 20 pounds of Reese's Peanut Butter cups in front of me, i'd stuff em in til go into sugar convulsions.

I just mixed up one of my Choco Joint Health shakes with a glug of SF Davinci's Peanut Butter syrup and yahooooooooooo........

I'm sure this would have the same effect with any of the Medifast ...
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Chili Fix

I was having some trouble with the chili, getting the beans to not be hard. Yesterday I had the idea to mix my chili with a bit of water and leave in the fridge overnight, you know like we used to soak the navy beans before making ham & beans with them?
So I just mixed a packet of chili with about 4 oz of water in a shaker and left it in the fridge. ...
Read more : Chili Fix | Views : 905 | Replies : 7

newbie Questions

I made my first order without knowing there were banana shakes (so sad) :cry: I have strawberry, chocolate and orange (I'm not a vanilla person, but I may order some to doctor). I bought some sugar free Da Vinci vanilla syrup today. It's the only other sugar free one I could find other than hazelnut, which I don't like. I'm assuming we can only ...
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Freezer does the trick!

All you OldTimers might already have done this for weeks and weeks and weeks, but it was a *eureka!* for me today... I threw my peanut butter MF bar in the freezer for a few hours, so that by the time I ate it for an afternoon snack, it was like eating a frozen Snickers bar! Awesome! You definitely have to let it sit out of the freezer to soften for about 5 minutes so ...
Read more : Freezer does the trick! | Views : 709 | Replies : 2

Whats the trick to the MF dressing?????

I ordered 2 kinds of dressing with my last order. Honey Dijon and Ranch. I made the Honey dijon with just the water and vinegar and it was horrible. :shock:
Is there a trick to getting these dressings to taste okay? I hate to throw them away.
Any suggestions?

Read more : Whats the trick to the MF dressing????? | Views : 2048 | Replies : 18

AT LAST!!! Sugar-Free Slurpees are Here!

Maybe I'm the only one who just discovered this, but I'm so HAPPY and excited I have to share it.

Went to 7-11 the other day, and sadly looked over at the slurpee machine that I so used to love to operate when I was living larger (hee hee), and there right on top of one of the spouts was "DIET Pepsi".

I advise buying stock in that chain because I'm gonna be operating the ...
Read more : AT LAST!!! Sugar-Free Slurpees are Here! | Views : 886 | Replies : 3


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