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Pseudo Vichyssoise (Hot or Cold)

Or, in english, yummy potato soup. :D

I can't believe how close this tastes to the real thing.

In a blender mix a chicken fast soup or 1 cup of chicken bouillon. Add about 1 C of very well cooked cauliflower and about a TBS of chopped green onion or shallots (shallots taste the best). Puree for about a minute. Chill for about an hour, or ...
Read more : Pseudo Vichyssoise (Hot or Cold) | Views : 644 | Replies : 5

Old Fashion Soda Fountain Chocolate Shake

If you can find Canfield's S/F Chocolate Fudge soda, this is a wonderful way to have your shakes.

Use a really big glass because this will end up with a head on top like a float. Pour a chocolate shake over ice and slowly add about half the can of soda. Stir it a bit and then add the rest of the soda. If you use a partially frozen shake, it's even better.
Read more : Old Fashion Soda Fountain Chocolate Shake | Views : 988 | Replies : 5

Apple and Cinnamon Flan

Well sort of :lol:
I am a HUGE fan of the Apple and Cinnamon Oatmeal!!
I eat it probably twice a day!
Well last night for my late night snack before bed I made a bowl in a plastic container put in a little less water and let it get nice and firm
after 2 minutes in the microwave and then added a few packets of Splenda. ...
Read more : Apple and Cinnamon Flan | Views : 747 | Replies : 1

How do I make the pudding without LUMPS?

I ordered the bannana pudding and like the taste, :D but I just cannot seem to get rid of the lumps! :( I'm just stirring it with a spoon and I tried adding more water, but it made it too "loose" (still edible) but not preferrable.

Any suggestions and I would prefer NOT to use the blender. Thanks! ...
Read more : How do I make the pudding without LUMPS? | Views : 3880 | Replies : 10

Ground meats

hi everyone!

i had a quickie question about ground meats. i just bought some ground chicken and didnt know if it was ok to consider it a chicken. ok i know that may sound totally stupid, especially after seeing it typed out in black and white! :oops:

the reason i ask is that i have my starter book that says 5 oz. of lean protein. then i ...
Read more : Ground meats | Views : 720 | Replies : 2

Strawberry Creme Ideas

Hello everyone,

I've been reading over the forum for some quick and easy ideas for the Strawberry shakes. I can't choke them down :eck: to save my life (sorry for the emoticon, but it was so fitting for me), and they came with my sampler pack. I don't want to waste them, but honestly, I just simply can't drink another one! I've looked at some of the ...
Read more : Strawberry Creme Ideas | Views : 1977 | Replies : 15

Has anyone ever mixed the Chai Latte with Coffee?

I mix my cappuchino in coffee, and just got some of the Chai Latte in my last order. I was just curious if people normally just make it with water, or what other tricks you have tried. Let me know....thanks bunches.

Read more : Has anyone ever mixed the Chai Latte with Coffee? | Views : 596 | Replies : 3

DON'T do this !

Hi everyone ! Happy all are the greatest! Found out the hard way NOT to make up 3 batches at once in a container and refrigerate it to take meals out of throughout the day...thought I'd save time by mixing 3 packs of orange in a pint shaker, taking it to work and letting it refrigerate before I needed it every 2 -3 got real thick and the flavor changed chemically or something...the ...
Read more : DON'T do this ! | Views : 916 | Replies : 5

Eddie's Recipe Room

This was just delicious i had to let you all know about it!!!

Let a packet of the Homestyle Chili soak for 1 hour prior to preparing it, then prepare excactly as stated on the box. Whne you take the bowl out of the microwave the first time, add some MRS DASH and 4 shakes of Tony Cachere's Cajun Seasoning and a TSP of Tobasco, then stir, stir stir!!!

Then complete the cooking per the ...
Read more : Eddie's Recipe Room | Views : 1241 | Replies : 8

another idea...

Great suggestion. Heres mine:

What I do at theoffice if to leet the soup soak in cold water for an hour prior to eating it. Then nuke for 2 minutes, let sit for 5 minutes. The soaking takes care of the hard-rice syndrome!!! Happy souping!
Read more : another idea... | Views : 673 | Replies : 1


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