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Broccoli Slaw

Next time you are at the grocery store, pay attention to the area that usually has the prepackaged lettuce and slaws. At my grocery store they offer a pre-packaged broccoli slaw. It is just the broccoli, no dressing, so you can do whatever you want with it. The options for this simple veggie are limitless.

What to do with it?

Steam it like you would regular broccoli. Add a squeeze of lemon juice and salt ...
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Coffee+ Medifast = PUKEORAMA! What did I do WRONG?!

I mixed by Dutch Choco with a cup 'o Joe and it was NASTY! It was chunky, people. CHUNKY! I stirred and stirred and it was chunky! It was the yuckiest thing ever. Now, I know Miss Leopardpants enjoys her Medifast with coffee, so there MUST be something to it! What did I do wrong?! I am scared!!!!I even actually drank it! EW!!!!! LOL :(
Read more : Coffee+ Medifast = PUKEORAMA! What did I do WRONG?! | Views : 937 | Replies : 3

Eggplant anyone?

Eggplant seems to be one of those veggies that people love or hate. Lucky me, I love it! I was craving it recently, so I picked up some Japanese Eggplant, which tends to be smaller and have a slightly different/more mild taste.

Some MF safe recipes (I hope):

1- Slice into 1/2 inch rounds. Salt and pepper both sides and add any other seasonings (garlic powder, italian seasoning, etc). Spray a pan with Pam and ...
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The incredible EDIBLE EGG!?!

:shock: Am I dreaming and making it up that we can have two eggs for the LEAN part of the lean and grean?

Has anyone tried doing one egg with 1/2 the meat or have any good egg recipes that are Medifast Friendly and include the green part.

Maybe I am like a little kid but veggies in my eggs sounds kinda icky and well scramble eggs ...
Read more : The incredible EDIBLE EGG!?! | Views : 1060 | Replies : 4

How are the Suisse Mocha shakes?

Getting ready to put in my next order - how are the Suisse Mocha and Orange Delight shakes?

And my husband wants to try the diabetic bars - which ones are the best?

Read more : How are the Suisse Mocha shakes? | Views : 799 | Replies : 3

Davinci Hazelnut + MF Chocolate Pudding = "BACI PUDDING

Is there anyone else around here who LOVES those Perugina Baci chocolates (which we cannot have for awhile....) Anyway, I'm a huge fan of those little Italian delicacies and I discovered something wonderful today. I mixed some Davinci Hazelnut syrup in with my MF chocolate pudding and I have created a "Baci pudding" delight!

(I'm having so much fun with this....I also bought DV Amaretto syrup, which I will add to my next vanilla shake ...
Read more : Davinci Hazelnut + MF Chocolate Pudding = "BACI PUDDING | Views : 908 | Replies : 3

Who is a PURE Medifaster?!

Does everyone "add" stuff to the shakes and soups? I ask because I have been adding, only sugar free, calorie free, carb free stuff and I am wondering if it's OK or if I would have better results if I didn't play Julia Child with my supplements.
Read more : Who is a PURE Medifaster?! | Views : 801 | Replies : 4

Flavored water with Splenda

Just a suggestion. I like the new flavored waters but they are just soooo sweet and just too bold for me. So I make a glass of water and put about 1/5 of it the flavored water and the rest regular water. It is just right.

Maybe there is another fruitcake out there like me that likes flavored, but not so flavored water!! :)
Read more : Flavored water with Splenda | Views : 1040 | Replies : 3


My brain said "excuse me" today while I was in McDonalds attempting to be a perfect Medifaster. Got my daughter her kids meal, then bought myself a soda, poured a little soda into my shaker with the MF mix and went ahead and shook ! Needless to say, I made a mess at McDonalds and re-learned that you don't shake carbonated beverages. BUT...I didn't give in to the french fries!

Lisa ...
Read more : Soda + MF = DO NOT SHAKE! | Views : 619 | Replies : 4

Cole Slaw

Does anyone have a recipe for cole slaw? I thought I had seen one but can't find it. I LOVE cole slaw and would love to have it again. I know we can't have the carrots but even the cabbage would be great
Read more : Cole Slaw | Views : 772 | Replies : 1


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