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Hey Ladies & Gents,

My name is Nikki I'm 23 5'2 and currently tipping the scales @ 241 as of 8/21/2006 (highest ever) this is my second round with Medifast the first time I dropped 14lbs in 2 weeks and I fell off the boat, as having a thin hubby at home who can eat anything in site doesn't help! I'm going to do it this time around no questions about it, I want to ...
Read more : BlondeAngel7782 | Views : 3868 | Replies : 124


Well I made the big jump and ordered MF on 8/7/06. With all the issues with shipping I finally got my order yesterday - 8/16. The wait has been killing me and giving me time to think and worry. I had a few 'last meals' during the wait, but today is the day. I woke up late couldn't find the blender so used the hand blender for the shake, cooked the soup and brought it ...
Read more : Di | Views : 1779 | Replies : 23


I've been on the plan for 51 days WOOHOO!!!
The most difficult part I think, it the plataeu. That Mr. Scale, um.
Well when I stopped looking so much at the scale to determine my success, I realized the inches was giving me the benediction. My inches said, may the Lord watch, between me and thee, while we are absent, one from the other. AMEN!!!
Read more : Stagnant? | Views : 324 | Replies : 1

Newly in

Hey folks!
I just started on Medi Fast on June 28, 2006. I've lost an interesting 21lbs. I've had the ups and the downs. But I'm so excited about my future. It looks much better than my past. :)
Read more : Newly in | Views : 299 | Replies : 0


Well I can hardly believe I've hit a new time high of 263.5.
How the heck did I get so fat? Time to get it off. MF does work because it's worked for me in the past. I do well oni the 5/1 plan so that's what I'm doing this time. My first goal is to get under 200. I haven't been there in about 10 years. 150 would be my ultimate goal but for ...
Read more : Triskets | Views : 356 | Replies : 6


Today is Day #1 for me. I had done MF in April and did real well & the weight came off quick. I have tried to re-start the program several times since April and wasn't successful. The main reason for me wanting to lose the weight is so that I can get pregnant at a healthy weight. Well today is almost over and I have done great. My head hurts really bad, but I have ...
Read more : JustJeni | Views : 1444 | Replies : 39

Will Lose

I am about to restart MF (after two brief failed attempts in February and May), and am hoping that this journal will help keep me accountable, and give me an outlet when I feel like straying from the plan.

A little bit about me. I'm 28 years old and hoping to lose ~100 lbs. (I currently weigh approximately 220 lbs.) I have been overweight since I was 8 years old, and depend heavily on food ...
Read more : Will Lose | Views : 440 | Replies : 7


Hi all!
Day 2 and so far so GREAT!
I've had 2 great day...I even work in an Italian restaurant as a w chefs are AWESOME and make me grilled chicken and steamed them!

Im 35 mom of 2 girls ages 7 and 4.
My weight gain started with my first daughter...although Ive always felt I had an issue with weight....even at my thinnest...but Im over that I just want the 150ish comfortable ...
Read more : dibbida | Views : 390 | Replies : 9


I love the idea of having a journal right in this fabulous forum. I think it will help me stay compliant and accountable. So many journal entries inspire me and keep me on track. It is so helpful to know that there are others going through many of the same food & weight related issues. There is really no one in my life that understands what a struggle weight and food issues are and have ...
Read more : PJinCali | Views : 4853 | Replies : 157


Well, I promised that when I hit the 20# club I’d do a couple of things:

1) Complete a diary entry
2) Come clean to my husband about what I really weigh.

Ha. So, I did the weight confession with my hubby, who is pretty clueless about those things anyway, so he just didn’t really care. It was hard for me, but really rewarding to have it done with. Now I get to do this! ...
Read more : VTGirlie | Views : 1017 | Replies : 16


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