Went to our first hockey game of the season last night, which was a big ole test for us. We hadn't been since last December. At that time, we were soooo uncomfortable in the arena seats we had to have a seat between us just to be able to breath. Brian and I both literally spilled out and over our seats last year. It was horrible.
My work, like many offices, requires an ID badge with a picture to enter the building. You scan your badge and your picture shows up on a screen before security releases the door to open. Last Thursday I scanned my badge and the security guard stopped me at the desk. He said "I'm not sure what you are doing, but it is working and we really need to get a new picture of you." Talk ...
My pants are finally starting to get loose. A little TOO loose. After taking my belt off before getting in my jammies last night, I was walking toward the bed and, you guessed it - my pants fell all the way down. Yay! Good thing I just bought the same ones in a smaller size. ;)
Also, I hadn't noticed at first... but my most recent weight ...
I just came home from my business trip.... i did not cheat (as far as carbs/sugars) at ALL... I did go over on my oz's for steak and seafood, but i stuck to veggies, no butter, salads w/ no cheese, croutons and lite dressings on the side, and had my 5 MF meals spaced pretty evenly.... i downed so much water i think ...
Hi guys,
I read in the quickstart guide that losing weight on the plan can increase fertility. So...........will my birth control pills be less effective? Inquiring minds (such as my hubby) want to know.
Meredith :?:
I was having a bad day, so I decided to go shopping. It was also a convenient excuse for waiting for traffic to die down. :) I stopped in a shoe store and found a gorgeous pair of knee high suede boots that would look incredible with some of my new clothes.
I've always loved and wanted tall boots that came over the calves, but my calves ...