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Tools you could you not do MF without?

I thought this might help some newbies, as well as benefit the rest of us!

I could never do MF without:

1. My awesome Hamilton Beach Single-Serve Blender
It makes perfect shakes and is small enough for me to use at work.

2. My scale

3. My cool measuring cups and spoons
It's amazing what 1 tbsp and 1 cup really look like! You can't judge by eyeing it.

4. SmartWater!
I ...
Read more : Tools you could you not do MF without? | Views : 2848 | Replies : 16 | Forum : Weight Loss


Ok I need some help! We are having a retirement party right now- there is a 50 foot buffet with turkey, mashed potatoes, pasta, meatballs, sausage, fried chicken, rice, chips, dips... this is awful. I am avoiding the food, but people are saying "Are you on a diet? Just have some carrots. Just have some ceasar salad. Here's a turkey wrap, that's healthy. How about some egg salad? Here some chicken, just don't eat the ...
Read more : waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh | Views : 435 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Weight Loss


Hello all and thank you so much for the warm welcome back. It feels like returning home :)

Well, I did not actually begin medifast again until today. I had a consultation with a surgeon regarding the lap-band surgery on the 10th and decided to go for it.

Well, I have to be under doc supervised diet for a while before my insurance will OK the procedure. ...
Read more : Update... | Views : 446 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Weight Loss

Unexpected NSV

I went shopping today to pick up a sweater that I saw around the holidays, but wanted to wait for it to go on sale. I wasn't able to get the color I want because for the first time they didn't have a small enough size :) What a total change from previous shopping experiences! So, I bought two in different colors and basically went skipping out ...
Read more : Unexpected NSV | Views : 551 | Replies : 12 | Forum : The Weight Room

I'm back.

Yeah, I fell off the plan for a while...but I'm back. In case you don't know, I'm the greatest person who has ever been a part of this place.

:emoticon: :emoticon: :emoticon:
Read more : I'm back. | Views : 1054 | Replies : 23 | Forum : Weight Loss


Can someone clarify how to measure foods? I have been weighing all my LEANS on the scale, and all my GREENS in a measuring cup. How would I meausre cheese correctly?

I am confused.
Read more : Measuring | Views : 391 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Weight Loss

toning over 50

ok - 15 days in, 10 lbs gone - WOOHOO! BUT - since this is the fastest I've ever lost weight (yo-yo most of my life), and since I am now well north of 50, but south of 60, I am getting concerned about having lots of flabby skin left later.

Can some other 50+ ladies who have experience with this give me some advice? - I know the "exercise" mantra, but what REALLY works ...
Read more : toning over 50 | Views : 579 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Weight Loss


Are four shakes, a bar, and the l&g meal allowable? Or is that not enough calorie wise? Variety wise I just feel I need to change it up.
Read more : Shakes | Views : 429 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss

It's been too long!!!

Hello, again. I recognize some of you, still. Well, I fell off the wagon and gained about 15 pounds. I was about 5 pounds from my goal, quit medifast and enjoyed the holidays way too much. Well, I ordered medifast today, so back to the grindstone! A lesson well-learned-- TRANSITION and MAINTENANCE are important. I am looking forward to getting back into the groove. I have all these new "skinny" clothes that I can't squeeze ...
Read more : It's been too long!!! | Views : 400 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room

My exercise plan for the week

My brother is working out every night and he feels great. So, he's motivated me to get my butt moving. I also got my fitness newsletter this morning which suggested that I make an exercise schedule with goals. So here goes.

Tonight (Tues): abs/squats/barbells
Weds: 20 min. yoga
Thurs: abs/squats/barbells
Fri: 20 min. cardio/ leg toning
Sat: 20 min. bike ride (weather?) / free weights
Sun: 20 min. bike ride/ basketball (weather?)

I've found myself ...
Read more : My exercise plan for the week | Views : 827 | Replies : 0 | Forum : The Gymnasium


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