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That question everyone hates to hear as they get closer...

You know that question that everyone hates to hear as they get closer to goal... You know, "When are you going to stop losing?... You don't need to lose any more."

It is funny, Last night I asked Joelie when she thought I would hear those words that she has heard many times. She said soon. You look great and many people would say that. Today I had someone say that to me. I did ...
Read more : That question everyone hates to hear as they get closer... | Views : 501 | Replies : 14 | Forum : The Weight Room

I'm baa-aaack!

Hey everyone! I have been on holiday hiatus for the last 4 months or so. I wasn't too naughty, and I medifasted a couple days a week throughout, so I only gained back 5 lbs of the 40 I had lost before. So I'm restarting. Might as well join the crowd! I'm at 168 now and I need to get to 140, or there abouts. I will know better when I get there. I just ...
Read more : I'm baa-aaack! | Views : 319 | Replies : 11 | Forum : The Weight Room

Full Fast

What are the rules for the full fast? I was thinking about trying it for a few days (with my doctor's monitoring, of course) to see if I can get past this plateu I have been on for almost 2 weeks.
Read more : Full Fast | Views : 660 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss

Will I ever stop thinking of myself as fat??

Will I ever stop thinking of myself as fat?

So far I have lost over 95 pounds and with about 30 left to goal, I am still overweight but not morbidly obese anymore. When I see myself in a reflective surface, I know I “look” pretty normal now, especially for most Americans. I am fitting in regular sized clothing (because of the darn clothing manufacturers, I range from a size 10 to a baggy 14.) ...
Read more : Will I ever stop thinking of myself as fat?? | Views : 435 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

Chicken with Wild Rice Soup

Has anyone had a problem with this product lately? I really liked it last year, but this year it seems that every packet I open only has the hard stuff in it...nothing to make it brothy at all. Absolutely no powder. Did they change the formula or something?
Read more : Chicken with Wild Rice Soup | Views : 751 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Weight Loss


I really did! I lost two and a half pounds over night and went from 201.5 to 199 that scale said! I called my husband over to look but had stood marveling at the number so long it was blank. I was almost afraid it wouldn't appear again. But it did! He still better get me roses. especially now. I didn't do anything yesterday special, walked, stayed compliant, drank lots of water. You just have ...
Read more : I got ONEDERLAND for VALENTINE'S DAY!!!! | Views : 1310 | Replies : 40 | Forum : The Weight Room

Numbness/Soreness in My Left Arm

Your LEFT arm you say - Yikes!

Well, seems like my heart and blood pressure are just dandy so no big worries about the ole ticker.

Yesterday evening I started feeling soreness in my left forearm. During the evening it spread upwards to my elbow and finally all the way to my upper arm.

I know I really should have gone to see someone right away but I didn't have shortness of breath or a ...
Read more : Numbness/Soreness in My Left Arm | Views : 1429 | Replies : 11 | Forum : Weight Loss

Is exercise slowing my weight loss?

First, I should explain my progress so far. I started on July 31, 2006 and have lost ~97 pounds since that date. The first 84-85 came off really quickly, as I specifically remember going to the Orange Bowl on January 2 being down about 84 pounds. As far as exercise goes, I had been riding a stationary bike for 20-25 minutes (for approximately 5-6 miles per session) three to four times per week. I started ...
Read more : Is exercise slowing my weight loss? | Views : 2812 | Replies : 18 | Forum : The Gymnasium

How I know I am losing weight

So I was walking into the kitchen earlier today. And my husband was walking right behind me. All of the sudden he said to me Are you wearing my Jeans again.
I was so humilated <img src="" alt="" border="0">the first time he found out that I was wearing his jeans. I turned around and told him no these are my jeans. I said why whats wrong. He said that they were to big in the ...
Read more : How I know I am losing weight | Views : 1173 | Replies : 15 | Forum : The Weight Room

Major Goal Commitment

My wife and I are from the northeast and would like to go back for Xmas this year. We have travelled back before but always driving because I dont fit well flying. Recently I didnt show up at a major buisiness conference because I cant fly. Thats the background

The Goal:
I have commited to her that I will work harder than ever :deadhorse: to meet my ...
Read more : Major Goal Commitment | Views : 1042 | Replies : 22 | Forum : Weight Loss


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