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Nothing tastes better than thin feels!

Mrs. P, You look great! You are an inspiration to all of us! You have done What MILLIONS OF PEOPLE dream of doing! They just don’t know the way. You guys are going to show them the way!

Nothing tastes better than thin feels! I tell this to myself daily, and everyone I share Medifast with! I thank the good Lord for introducing you guys into my life. I appreciate you both.

Myself, I am ...
Read more : Nothing tastes better than thin feels! | Views : 2095 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Weight Loss

Milk/Lactose in the Women's Health Soy Shake?

Hi Terry and Nancy,

I think I'm having a little problem .... it didn't occur to me to ask if there would be milk/lactose in the product.. guess I assumed that since it was Women's Health it's be soy protein, black cohosh and that it'd be SOY milk. I'm having gas and diarrhea after drinking my shakes and eating my bars. I read the label and discovered MILK. I'm somewhat lactose intolerant.

My mother who ...
Read more : Milk/Lactose in the Women's Health Soy Shake? | Views : 2895 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Women's Health

Warm Weather Wisdom

To consistently lose weight and to keep feeling great, it is necessary to drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water a day and to regularly consume all of your Medifast meals.

If you are especially active or work in a hot environment, have one or two cups of regular SALTED bouillon to prevent fatigue or dizziness. It also helps to maintain a balanced level of electrolytes. Curtail the number of caffeinated drinks and increase ...
Read more : Warm Weather Wisdom | Views : 1017 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Weight Loss

This is great!!!!

Hey guys, my name is Lisa Price, and I've been on Medifast for 3 days. I weighed myself yesterday and I was at 315pds. I woke up & weighed this morning & now I'm at 312. I feel better than ever since on Medifast. My cravings are slowly going away, and while going into ketosis, I've only experienced a little fatigue, and mild headaches. I encourage anyone who needs to lose weight to do Medifast. ...
Read more : This is great!!!! | Views : 1825 | Replies : 5 | Forum : The Weight Room


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