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I've just started the Modified diet today. Call me weak but I've got hunger pains. I know I'm allowed one meal a day but I was curious to whether or not I was allowed anything with the shakes? If not, I'm sure I'll survive (though I feel sorry for my family ;) ) But if so that would be great, I'm used to eating what I ...
Read more : Modified | Views : 740 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Weight Loss

Modified Menu

On the modified diet, does it matter when you choose to eat your meal during the day and when you choose to drink shakes. Also, is there any food not on the list in the starter book that can be eaten? What does everyone else do on the modified?
Read more : Modified Menu | Views : 550 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Weight Loss

Surviving the Luncheon: How To Hostess

Hi All!

Wanted to share this with you:

I had planned a "ladies luncheon", scheduled for yesterday, for a group of wives from my hubby's office a few weeks ago (pre-Medifast).

I served little mini-quiches as appertizers. I only baked enough for each guest to have 2 or 3 (no left overs for me!) I put them out on a platter and then went back to the kitchen so they weren't nearby to tempt me. ...
Read more : Surviving the Luncheon: How To Hostess | Views : 547 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Weight Loss

Day 2

Thank you everyone for all the support. I am feeling 250% better.
The dr prescribed a $22 white pill and the migraine was gone within 2 hours. So yesterday(day 2) I did the 5/1. My boyfriend & I spent 2 hours in the grocery store reading labels for carbs! He loves to cook and is determined to figure out how to "invent" a lo carb pasta. Anyway fixed steamed salmon for dinner with a green ...
Read more : Day 2 | Views : 655 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Weight Loss

The Mall I go to the mall today to buy shoes for the kids. My son asks if we can go get something at Carls Jr. for lunch when we're done and I say sure. Then it starts......I'm walking around thinking I can get one little thing....I just want some food....something to chew up. I'm actually trying to convince myself that this isnt going to work and I should just try something else. And then, I'm ...
Read more : The Mall | Views : 539 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Weight Loss

Hiya everyone...

I decided that it was time to do something drastic about my weight problem and that is what has brought me here.

I woke up on Tuesday with a sinus cold and feeling lousy and received my first Medifast order that night. I promptly decided that I was going to start the next morning. I have been doing a lot of reading about the program and know that one of the side effects is a ...
Read more : Hiya everyone... | Views : 662 | Replies : 10 | Forum : The Weight Room

weigh in day

hello all,
I got rid of 3# this week for a total of 40# and now the next goal is 50# so I am starting work on the next 10# .I set 10# goals at a time I will keep you all posted.

231#/191/125# susan
Read more : weigh in day | Views : 713 | Replies : 1 | Forum : The Weight Room

Hubby doesn't like my chili

Here's todays laugh of the day............My husband has been asking for me to make some homemade chili. With today cold and damp, I decided it would be the perfect 'chili' day. Around 11:00 I made a big 5 quart dutch oven full of chili. It was so tempting I made a Medifast chili for myself, to which I added 3 ozs. of browned ground beef(borrowed from my supper modified meal) and a packet of Fast ...
Read more : Hubby doesn't like my chili | Views : 827 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Weight Loss

Look who is 89 years old!

Thought you would enjoy this…

Jack LaLanne 89 years old… Amazing.. I read words like:
Muscle work
The human body has over 600 muscles
Drink plenty of water.

Something has to be right, I men 89 years old? Yeeek.

<IMG SRC="">

Read more : Look who is 89 years old! | Views : 655 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Weight Loss

Creating a Day 1-3 FAQ?

I just spent the morning reading back through the Weight Room and Weight Loss forums for the past two months- there is SO much really great information in those messages! Especially for getting through the first 3 days, and dealing with all those family issues, and 'daily life' tips. . . .

How about we put together a FAQ for everyone just starting out? I know there is basic information sent with everyone that signs ...
Read more : Creating a Day 1-3 FAQ? | Views : 643 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Weight Loss


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