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A change of HEART

Hello everyone,

I want to say that I am sorry for my post several week ago, about the tone of the board. I was wrong. I was looking at it all wrong. I was forgetting about all the positive and uplifting messages that come from a "help" post. Those are what is really the inspiration. The others just let everyone know that there are others out there with similar feelings and troubles.

I hope you ...
Read more : A change of HEART | Views : 700 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room

Smilie faces

How do you get the smilie faces into a message?

I noticed there was another Trish so I'll stsrt signing mine "Texas Trish"

Texas Trish
Read more : Smilie faces | Views : 1307 | Replies : 6 | Forum : The Weight Room


I've only been on Medifast for 5 days and yesterday was the first day I didn't have a headach all day. My husband gets up at 5:45 every morning and then I get up at 7:00 to make sure my teenager gets up to go to school. Then I always go back to slep for a few hours. Yesterday, I had a hard time going back to sleep. Today, when the alarm went off at ...
Read more : energy | Views : 567 | Replies : 3 | Forum : The Weight Room

Rantings and Ravings

I have really been ‘bummed out’ since last Friday, and thought that putting my feelings down on paper might help. No need for anyone to reply—or even to read this, for that matter--I just need to vent. In fact, I would like to pick up the closest silver chaffing dish and sail it through a plate glass window!

Last Friday I had to attend my THIRD ‘buffet event’ within the last four weeks. This was ...
Read more : Rantings and Ravings | Views : 497 | Replies : 9 | Forum : The Weight Room

Been Gone....Off Program

Hey Guys, I've been gone...and off program. But I'm back as of this morning. I've had a bunch of stuff going on and need some prayers if you all don't mind. I apparently have a blood clot in my leg, which may or may not be connected with my heart fluttering....still doing tests...will know more next friday with my ultrasound. I also have a huge mass in my pelvis. The doctor said my uterus has ...
Read more : Been Gone....Off Program | Views : 730 | Replies : 4 | Forum : The Weight Room


:help: Morning all...I will be off to my homeland Ireland on May 17 for the long summer and wont be returning until the end of August. My question is to Terry and Nancy or anyone out there ..will I be able to purchase Medifast products in Ireland????

I am going to bring some of my staples..shakes, oatmeal, bars, etc. with me for at least a couple of ...
Read more : ADVICE FOR 3 MONTH LONG STAY IN IRELAND | Views : 717 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Weight Loss

Finishing DAY 1

Well I'm just finsihing my last shake of the day. And that means that i made it through day 1. I'm taking one hour at a time. I drank my 64oz of water today also. So i'm really try hard to do this, this time.
Read more : Finishing DAY 1 | Views : 376 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room

Belly apron

I have a question for some of you that have been on Medifast and lost a large amount of weight. I have what they call a large apron of belly fat, gross I know, but if you look at my father's side of the family, I think it must be hereditary. I have never been what one would call thin, ever, but this fat all seems to accummulate mainly in my belly area. I weight ...
Read more : Belly apron | Views : 3362 | Replies : 11 | Forum : The Weight Room

Shirtless return.

Howdy all!

Back from a week (almost a week) at the beach with the Family, where I actually enjoyed life as I wanted - not fat! Each of us sees ourselves and others differently. (I am going back and forth here, so be patient with me as I type as I think) I see people now, wondering if they see me. I doubt they see me, I look pretty “regular” under normal circumstances. This means, ...
Read more : Shirtless return. | Views : 2140 | Replies : 15 | Forum : The Weight Room

Shakin' on Vacation

Hello fellow shakers! I'm looking for some travel advice. My husband and I are going to Vegas on Thursday for 4 days. I'm planning to take a case of ready-mix shakes with me so that I can stay on the plan...I'm hoping they handle air travel well.

I'm really nervous about going. I decided to do the 5 & 1 plan while I'm gone. I'm planning to shake all day and then have dinner at ...
Read more : Shakin' on Vacation | Views : 516 | Replies : 1 | Forum : The Weight Room


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