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20 pounds


AND only a pound from the next mini goal!

went to a party last nite that had me a little worried. carry in. gooooood food. i had a bar on the way. by the time we ate it was nearly time for my "meal". just had a little pulled pork and pickles. sort of stayed off to the side and watched the rain ...
Read more : 20!! | Views : 328 | Replies : 6 | Forum : The Weight Room

Sunday Morning Roll Call, August 29, 2004


:yippee: LW2G doing a little happy dance :yippee:

7 pounds this week which means I met my week's goal of breaking the 30 pound mark!!! Despite dodging the flames aimed at my boutee from the skinny chick (a FOND reference to LW, please don't FLAME me!) I managed to stay on track. I scored several ...
Read more : Sunday Morning Roll Call, August 29, 2004 | Views : 1595 | Replies : 26 | Forum : Roll Call

September Specials?

I need to place an order--it is not good for me to run out of chili! LOL
But I wondered if the September specials were published on the first or if they came out earlier? If I knew chili would be on sale, I'd wait two days--otherwise, I WANT IT! :x

Read more : September Specials? | Views : 520 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Weight Loss


Alright here's a question I have been pondering--LOL I would really love to learn to swim. Am I too old to unlearn a fear of water? I was always under the impression that learning to swim was something you did as a youngster, but it's a dream i haven't quite given up on, and for whatever reason, medifasting makes me a little braver about many things! LOL
When I was a kid, things went one ...
Read more : Swimming | Views : 513 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss

What's your excuse for not starting MF?

As I sit here on a Friday night thinking about BMF (before MediFast for the lurkers and newbies) I am trying to remember why it is that it took me so long to start. So I've decided to post my top 10 reasons for NOT starting MF, in hopes that it will motivate someone to stop "thinking about it" and get with the program.

Let me start by prequalifying my comments with this. I'm just ...
Read more : What's your excuse for not starting MF? | Views : 396 | Replies : 4 | Forum : The Weight Room

For all you exercise gurus....


My butt is gone! :shock:

Apparently my rear was 100% lard because now that I've lost a lot of weight I am flat back there. My back becomes my legs, get it? Nada!

My new job affords me much more walking (I have to park 2 blocks away, I'm on the 3rd floor and my office is down a loooong hallway). I love the unavoidable exercise. ...
Read more : For all you exercise gurus.... | Views : 1682 | Replies : 15 | Forum : The Weight Room

Ketosis.... and NO food?

Ok... am just cruious... like, about fasting and stuff.
I read all the stuff about glucose and carbs and fats and stuff.
but say you weren't eating AT ALL.
I mean.
would that still put your body into ketosis?
and how fast?
and how much weight would you lose?
Read more : Ketosis.... and NO food? | Views : 545 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room

Dealing w/ "There Might Be A Better Way" Feelings

Hi All,

I hope everyone is doing well on Medifast.

Lately I've been struggling with the "there might be a better way" feeling. Some people I know have said that they lose faster when they eat and I can't help but wonder if that might be the case for me too. I'm on the full fast. I'm struggling with the temptation to try something different, yet fearful that if the new approach doesn't work, then ...
Read more : Dealing w/ "There Might Be A Better Way" Feelings | Views : 1257 | Replies : 24 | Forum : Weight Loss

16 years of MediFasting!

This image was sent to me recently by one of my MF penpal's who has been MF'ing it for 16 years! This is a picture of the label from her original can of MediFast, purchased in 1988! You had to measure scoops from the can back then.

Talk about dedication, this lady has it! WOW! If her resolve to keep off the weight doesn't motivate you, nothing will!

- Gerald

Read more : 16 years of MediFasting! | Views : 691 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Weight Loss

I'm Back...

Hello everyone, old friends and new :)

I'm back from my crisis induced sabbatical, please keep me in your thoughts as I restart my MF journey..Day 1, again.

Things have settled to a degree, thankfully, in the world that is mine. I hope to chat more with everyone, now that I can be online with some regularity and posting once again.

Wish me luck as I face ...
Read more : I'm Back... | Views : 323 | Replies : 5 | Forum : The Weight Room


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