First I'd like to apologize for my absence from the discussions this week. It's been a busy, busy week of 15 hour+ days for me. This coming week will be better, but the next week will be another long one.
I only have a 4 pound loss to record this week, unfortunately. Don't know what happened. Maybe I was dreaming about rich food too much! I ...
I have read a few interesting things on this forum, the few days I have been cruising it. A lot of people here are so supportive and motivated for themselve and others.
... But I have also read people blaming others for their weight, and their failures. I think the reason we are all here is because we have finally come to a mental standpoint where we are just ready to be done with this ...
I figured if Nancy was here, this would already be up, but I just placed an order for product and it looks like TSFL is running a weekend special that goes a little something like this:
Special Weekend Promotion from Medifast Take Shape for Life THIS WEEKEND ONLY Receive $80 off an order of $300 or more AND Free 3-Day Federal Express Shipping Just use promo code WKDPM to save.
I am starting again today on the 5 medifast shakes per day (no food) after several failed attempts. When I tried before, I ate food because I was scared of failure so I figured I would give in to temptation. This is really difficult because I am doing this alone and do not want to tell too many people. I really need to get through the first three days. Any advice? I really, ...
Just wanted to share with you all that the doc's advise to switch to 70's with no bars seems to have revved the motor. Now down a couple more pounds for 32 total. :yippee:
And no longer hungry between medi-meals.
But, I have been having cramps in my calf. When I first started MF I woke at night a couple of times with horrible leg cramps. Adding ...
Hi Everyone- I posted a few days back that I was goingt o start my do over well i postponed it a few days to get ready and i started today, I'm having a shake right now!! I am really confident about me starting now- i know when i put my mind to things i can do them -like before i lost 30# and have kept it off, and now i'm ready for phase 2. ...
I am having the worst time staying true to MF. I am lucky lately to get in 3 of the 5 supplements and keep my meals the "true lean and green". I have a salad but cannot stomach oil and vinegar on it. My meat portions are often upwards of 6-8oz. Trying to get all the supplements in is tough. I am at work in a restaurant and as the only waitress, I can't seem ...