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tuna ?

So, I could eat tuna fish every day, but, here is the question:

Isn't there some sort of limit on the the amount of canned tuna people are suppose to eat in the course of a week? Not Medifast rules exactly, but just one of those general tuna eating commandments.

I ask becasue I am moving in December and I am trying to use up my canned items. I have been cooking tuna, crushed tomato, ...
Read more : tuna ? | Views : 1610 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

Need some encouragement

My name is Mary and I have been considering Medi-Fast for some time.
Several years back I lost 100lbs and for the first time in my life was able to keep it off for several years. The last few years things have been out of control and I have been gaining steadily. I tried Weight Watchers and did good at first but then just completely went off. I do feel that I have a ...
Read more : Need some encouragement | Views : 348 | Replies : 5 | Forum : The Weight Room

Please change my pound club

According to what I saw on the scale this morning, I am requesting to be moved back to the 50 pound club, please !

(Making this request is really not a particularly fun experience, but probably necessary for me).

Read more : Please change my pound club | Views : 382 | Replies : 4 | Forum : The Weight Room

170 pounds in 9 months?

I found this on a few sites and I have to question if it is reasonable. 9 months and 170 pounds. That seems impossible. Is it because of breast feeding? I just cannot see this as a possibility. I guess it is possible, but I just have a hard time with this. I do see some lost 140 or 150 in a year. OK. But, is there something different after pregnancy that makes a difference. ...
Read more : 170 pounds in 9 months? | Views : 2498 | Replies : 10 | Forum : The Weight Room

How to get back on the program after falling off :(

Hi everyone -

I have been posting sporadically...after having great success for the first few weeks, I have fallen off the plan - hard :cry: A million reasons but no reason good enough - a million excuses but none really....

I am having trouble getting back on plan...and need help...any suggestions?

Thank you
Read more : How to get back on the program after falling off :( | Views : 663 | Replies : 10 | Forum : The Weight Room

I am curious what my body will look like after I loose

I am curious what my body will look like after I loose the weight. I am 5 feet 2.5 inches. I am loosing the weight I gained from having a baby. I am scared that once I loose the weight I will have one of those extremly pudgy stomach that will only go away with a tummy tuck. I am very frightened I will have lots of extra skin on my stomach. At delivery, I ...
Read more : I am curious what my body will look like after I loose | Views : 1222 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Women's Health

Moody and Lethargic week 4

Hi everyone,

Monday will mark the start of week 4 on the plan. For the past few days, I've been struggling. I'm worn out (and don't work out), tired, feel lazy.

I've also been extremely volatile with my husband and family - cranky, short tempered. It is worst in the AM and I literally wake up wanting to throw things around in anger. It's NOT like me.

I feel like I've hit a plateau as ...
Read more : Moody and Lethargic week 4 | Views : 2305 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss

Sunday Morning Roll Call: July 15, 2007

Down 4.5 pounds!
Read more : Sunday Morning Roll Call: July 15, 2007 | Views : 493 | Replies : 14 | Forum : Roll Call

??????????? For all of You Runners??????????????

So I have been walking now for a month now. But I really wanted to start to run...... How should I go about doing this. Should I only do 20 miutes a day. I have been walking 25 minutes in the morning and 25 minutes in the evening. Or should I not even think about running.
I have not told anyone that i have been walking Because I really do not like exercise. But I ...
Read more : ??????????? For all of You Runners?????????????? | Views : 877 | Replies : 4 | Forum : The Gymnasium

Sweet potatoes???

Ok I know this is gonna sound wierd, but we eat wierd in this house...

What about sweet potatoes...My hubby and son love them...I do too. I will actually make them for a meal.

I baked one today for my son for lunch. Yes! I do consider a sweet potatoe a meal...I know , I know...but I also consider home made hummus with fresh bread a meal. I told you we eat wierd.

I know ...
Read more : Sweet potatoes??? | Views : 1100 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Weight Loss


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