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Flabby Skin Question

Hi Everyone!

This question (and I haven't seen this question on the web site Mama Nancy! LOL), is for those who have already gotten rid of a lot of weight.

I've been watching "The Biggest Loser" on TV. Tonight was the grand finale - who lost the most weight. If you haven't seen the show, 12 people go to this ranch for 12 weeks and exercise there bottoms off and eat healthy food. Seems like ...
Read more : Flabby Skin Question | Views : 2378 | Replies : 17 | Forum : Weight Loss

Full-Fast vs Modified

Hello all,

I had a quick question for those that have done the "Full-Fast". I know that in the FAQ section it states that the full-fast consists of 5 MF meals a day and that includes soups, chili, and coco, whereas the modified your allowed that one lean green meal. For those of you that did the full-fast (Mike or anyone else that did the full-fast) did you ever eat the chili and soups and ...
Read more : Full-Fast vs Modified | Views : 1465 | Replies : 15 | Forum : The Weight Room

Question: Salad Dressing & Carbs.

Hi Folks,

I have a question about the issue of salad dressing. (I'm on the 5 and 1 plan.) In the Quick Start manual the guidelines list " 1-2 T. of fat free or low-fat dressing." There's no mention of using low carb or low calorie. So there I was using my FF and LF dressing and not even thinking about the carb. issue until I read some info on this forum that talked about ...
Read more : Question: Salad Dressing & Carbs. | Views : 463 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Weight Loss

Fedup/Christy's Daily Log

Hi All! I'm following in the footsteps of those who posted daily. I really was inspired by Lois and Dutch's posting daily back in Oct. and Nov when I was on my first stage with MF, and thought it might be a good way to self-motivate as I start my 2nd. I see now that Kat,Carrie? and some others are doing this too...

So, enough talking about WHEN I was going to restart my MF ...
Read more : Fedup/Christy's Daily Log | Views : 536 | Replies : 1 | Forum : The Weight Room

One Day at a Time

Hi Gang,

It has been a long, long while since I’ve posted one of my ‘what’s on my mind’ ramblings, basically because I’ve been busy out there living my life in a way I haven’t in years and years.

I started MF on March 1, 2004. Since then I have been through 2 weight loss periods, followed by 2 hiatus’s and am just now embarking on my 3rd weight loss phase. It pans out sorta ...
Read more : One Day at a Time | Views : 281 | Replies : 3 | Forum : The Weight Room

Good Balsamic Vinegar

Hey you other maintainers,

Are you using balsamic vinegar? I found a spectacular tasting one at William Sonoma "Fini". Little expensive at $10+ for 7oz bottle, but VERY GOOD!

Any others recommended?

I have a salad of raw spinach and fat-free cottage cheese with balsamic vinegar followed by grilled chicken or steak in the same plate using the remaining vinegar as a sauce. Broke da mouth ono! (extremely delicious in Hawaiian pigeon).

Read more : Good Balsamic Vinegar | Views : 1099 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Maintenance

Potassium boost for leg cramps

Hi everyone,

We all know that MF tends to dehydrate, causing electrolyte loss that can lead to nasty leg cramps. We also know that MF fast soups and bouillion are a great (and yummy) way to replenish sodium and potassium. I just wanted to pass along another option for getting more potassium, and it's painless! Morton's makes a "light" version of its table salt that I've found in my grocery store. It's cheap, and it ...
Read more : Potassium boost for leg cramps | Views : 1764 | Replies : 13 | Forum : Weight Loss

Weekend transgression..Food Confessional...

Ok, here I am, yesterday was Sunday, MF day 7 and I blew it. :x I ate some Cheetos, ok a lot of Cheetos and a slice of turkey lunch meat. :oops: I am torn now. I want so bad to loose 20 or 25 pounds in a hurry, but I don't know if I can finish my one ...
Read more : Weekend transgression..Food Confessional... | Views : 1079 | Replies : 15 | Forum : The Weight Room

Birthday Help - Please!

Hi all - Happy slurping to you!

Thursday, the 13th is my birthday. In years past when I've started a diet after the New Year and before my BD, I go off the diet on my BD never to return again.
I'm going to be different this year and stay on the PLAN!
I've been trying to think of fun things to do instead of eating and drinking.
I'm going to schedule a massage - ...
Read more : Birthday Help - Please! | Views : 531 | Replies : 10 | Forum : The Weight Room

Whatcha doing?????

Ok, I'm old....I'm new.... I've been here....and got the stupids....but this is it. I feel like pooey and I am tired of it. My feet hurt, my joints hurt...and my pants are way too tight. I ahve too many chins...and too many sizes in my closet~!!!!!

Today is a new day one for me..and I am pretty excited about it. It is almost over and that is the good news.... I figure I am 50 ...
Read more : Whatcha doing????? | Views : 499 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Weight Loss


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