Is there an age limit for JH? I have thought that JH was only for old people. Though I am having pain in my knees and spine (cause I push dumpsters around all evening long on my j.o.b.) I was wondering if I should take JH. Which flavor do you recommend? :lol:
Here's an "interesting" story I found this am on It was written by a doctor. Having been an avid water drinker for over 20 years, I think most of what she says is hogwash and I thought it interesting to pass along - (please don't shoot the messenger - lol)
Glug! You may be drinking too much … water
It’s become a popular health mantra: Drink a lot — a lot — of water. ...
Just had to vent (and before I get started, I didn't let this phase me or knock me off program - it was just very aggravating). Where I am working I do my work in the conference room because I'm dealing with lots & lots & lots of paper. Of course, it's the only place to eat in the offices, and that's fine. A woman in the office today went downstairs and bought all these ...
It's been an awakening weekend. I've had several compliant days and several partially compliant days and an enlightening weekend. Carrie recommended two books to me and I read the first one with interest and the second one has opened my eyes to why I sabotage myself. Even when our strongest wish is to lose weight, the times we sabotage ourselves can be found in our subconcious thoughts. I wrote at length in a journal I ...
How did you set your weight goals? I've had 115 stuck in my head for so long, but I don't know if I'm being realistic. I don't even know if it makes sense to set a goal when I'm almost 300 pounds. I don't know where my body will decide to stop losing and say no more. The last time a doctor told me what I should weigh was years ago (My MediFast doctor in ...
Goooooooood morning all! :flip: If I could, I'd be making MF pancakes right now... Hey! I just noticed that this smiley's pancake has a very odd "face" :lol:
Discover Card Rant: :lightening:
I am still waiting for my lame ol' Discover card to smarten up and drop that dang hold ...
I've been terrible busy and haven't had much time to log in lately, but I'd love to share my good news...I'm in the 30 lb Club! I am still movin' and groovin' and loving Medifast.
As I was watching another diet ad on TV today, the most awesome thought came to me - once we are done getting rid of our excess tonage and are maintaining our preferred weight,
:cleader: :buddies: ...
Hey you all - just a heads up, if you are heading to the dentist while on Medifast, you might like to know that while you are liquid dieting, Novocaine can have new and unusual effects, like making you light-headed and COLD!
Of course, Medifast also has the new & unusual effect of making you actually FIT into the dentist's chair!!! I'll take the trade-off!
Afterwards, I powered up with my RTD (so grateful for ...