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My first 10 pounds!

Hey Unca Tim!
Today I got on my "old" scale (which appears to be more accurate and consistent than my "new" one) and it officially said 191, 191, 191. When I started that scale was reading 201, 201, 201...
SO! I think that means I get a 10-lb tag! Hope the progress continues!! I'm planning an all-inclusve vacation with my husband as additional incentive for May/June and want to look thinner!! ...
Read more : My first 10 pounds! | Views : 652 | Replies : 12 | Forum : The Weight Room

Does anyone know why the full fast is not recommended

for diabetics? I am on the diabetics supplements. However, I do have to admit, for the first two days, I did not really eat a FULL lean and green meal. I did not trust myself with food. I did have bouillon, sf jello, celery, fat free bologna, 1 radish one day and only asparagus, celery and bouillon in addition to supplements the first day. I lost 9 pounds. The third day, I actually followed directions ...
Read more : Does anyone know why the full fast is not recommended | Views : 1174 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Diabetes

Unca, take a peek, great news in here

Couldn't hold the news any longer. I went to the doc's office yesterday to get my physical and be weighed. Yes!!!! I now weigh in at 215 and have accomplished my 2nd goal to my weight loss journey. That is a whopping total of 70 lbs gone, since I 1st started Medifast almost 12 months ago. So you can add me to the 70# club. Overall, I lost a grand total of 88 lbs since ...
Read more : Unca, take a peek, great news in here | Views : 431 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

MF when sick?

MF when sick...

Question? Is it ok to continue on my MF when I have a virus? Are extra calories needed to get better or was my mother lying to me when she made me eat when I was sick?

Read more : MF when sick? | Views : 633 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Weight Loss

Day 3 and down 3 More Pounds

I became famished last night at 1am and had to have some food. I should have had some MF oatmeal or soup but I had 2 slices of fat free bologna (only 20 calories a slice and carb free), celery, 5 pickle slices (I don't have spears) and a radish. I guess that could count as my lean meal. I did not have any green yesterday though. My first day on the plan I did ...
Read more : Day 3 and down 3 More Pounds | Views : 419 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room

Decorating For St. Patrick's Day

Thursday is St. Paddy's Day, and as I'm sure you know if you aren't wearing something green you are fair game for being pinched. :mrgreen:

I have a suggestion for a fun, if silly, thing to do: if you use a ticker in your sig line (tickerfactory dot com), why not switch either the bar or the pointer to shamrocks this week, so we can decorate ...
Read more : Decorating For St. Patrick's Day | Views : 1230 | Replies : 16 | Forum : Weight Loss

Thanks for the memories!

I would like to thank and say a permanent good bye to the 190's and 180's I used to see on my scale and say the 170's look pretty darn good...I am almost a member of the 20# club...maybe next week! Nancy is right...nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

Read more : Thanks for the memories! | Views : 1852 | Replies : 38 | Forum : Weight Loss

3rd week back on the plan...loss of 0

This is my third week back on the plan. I lost 7 pounds the first week, 0 the 2nd, and 0 the 3rd. My doctor says that my body might just be one that needs to do low fat with fresh fruits, vegetables, and more carbs. I lost much more that this doing low cal, I just couldn't get myself going on it again, and thought I would be more compliant on this plan and ...
Read more : 3rd week back on the plan...loss of 0 | Views : 1701 | Replies : 20 | Forum : The Weight Room

Need help today

Hi Gang!
I NEED to order a large supply of MF soon, like today. I can't seem to get a reply from the website or instructions from anyone (I know Nancy is out of town). Can someone fill me in on exactly what I need to do to get this moving? I'm not sure what else to try to get a response. Thanks!
Read more : Need help today | Views : 481 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room

I ate some boiled cabbage today

It didn't really feel like cheating. I am on the diabetic plan so I am supposed to eat a meal but I don't trust myself with "real" food. I ate some chili and oatmeal today along with 3 shakes. The chili is TERRIBLE!!! I tried seasoning it but I still hate it. Today is my second day on the plan. I lost 6 lbs in 24 hours!
Read more : I ate some boiled cabbage today | Views : 735 | Replies : 9 | Forum : The Weight Room


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