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As I have posted, for the past two days I have not been hungry but I have been so tired/sleepy. I am normally up at 6am naturally (no alarm) but today slept until 8:45am. Then I took a nap this afternoon. I have not been exercising or doing anything to fatigue myself. Is this normal?
Read more : Fatigue | Views : 836 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss

Just started.....AGAIN!

HI Everyone....I'm kind of new to the program. I started at the end of November, but fell off the MF wagon shortly after beginning. Now I have a new-found determination that I know will make me successful this time around. I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I've been reading the posts for a couple of days and just now signed on again. I started on April 4th, so I'm still ready to gnaw ...
Read more : Just started.....AGAIN! | Views : 723 | Replies : 9 | Forum : Weight Loss

Having trouble mixing the shakes?

There is a great shaker at a common health food chain. (I'm not sure if I am suppose to name specific places?) It has a wheel inside that fits at the top. It does an absolutely fantastic job of mixing the powder with the water, No Clumps! :D

Just thought this might help some who have had trouble with this in the past.

Read more : Having trouble mixing the shakes? | Views : 982 | Replies : 13 | Forum : Weight Loss

For those interested...

Just thought I would share a really beneficial site that I have come across, makes deciding lean/green meals and veggie options a breeze.

Im sure it would be an awesome tool for those in transition or maintenance as well. I have yet to find a food that didnt have the nutritional data available.



Not sure if this is an allowable form of posting a website but if by chance it is edited my ...
Read more : For those interested... | Views : 462 | Replies : 1 | Forum : The Weight Room

First day NOT hungry!!!

WOOO HOOOOOO!!! This is my 7th day in a row on the program and the FIRST day I am not hungry! I have been wondering when the hunger would go away...and taaa-daaaaa!!! Usually about 1 or 2 hours after a shake or other supplement I start getting hungry and counting the minutes until my next meal or eating pickles, celery or jello...Today I haven't even had any extras and I have been having to remind ...
Read more : First day NOT hungry!!! | Views : 397 | Replies : 5 | Forum : The Weight Room

Transition - Phase "C"

Morning all... Another phase, another menu! I spent 5 days at Phase "B", which is equivalent to MF's Phase 5. I'm now doing 5 days of MF Phase 6, which tells us to add a serving of grain. I found out, after doing some research, that "serving" can mean one thing according to the USDA food guide / food pyramid, and another when it comes to reading nutrition facts on food labels. I decided to ...
Read more : Transition - Phase "C" | Views : 790 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Maintenance


I have just recently started the Medifast plan (5 & 1). I am fine through the day, but about a 1/2 hour after eating supper I become very hungry. My daily intake consists of 2 shakes at 7:30 am and 10:30am lunch of soup at Noon and about 2 I have a Medifast bar. I eat around 6pm and then by 7 or so I break down and have something that is not on the ...
Read more : Hungry | Views : 633 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Weight Loss

Medifasting For Teens

I have a 16 and a half year old son who might be interested in trying Medifast for awhile. Is there any reason why teens shouldn't be doing the 5 and 1, or any products that are a better choice than others for teens? Would the number of ounces of protein for a lean and green meal be the same as for males generally? Are there any "tweaks" to the program for teens? He's not ...
Read more : Medifasting For Teens | Views : 1248 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss

I am such a whack job!!!

I had an appointment with my doctor about my type 2 diabetes today. I was just diagnosed in early March. I was in the hospital at the time for a related illness. Anyway, there I was given a prescription for Actos, a diabetes medication. I ran out last week and called my doctor for a refill. The assistant who answered the phone said I could not get a refill unless I saw the doctor first ...
Read more : I am such a whack job!!! | Views : 1258 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Diabetes

Plastic Surgery

I watch a lot of plastic surgery shows on TV and notice that big weight losers often have tummy tucks. Especially people who lost weight rapidly or were obese for a long period of time prior to weight loss. I have only been obese for 3 years but if I have significant tummy "hangage" after I lose (God and MF willing!) a hundred pounds, I really would consider a tummy tuck! Have any of the ...
Read more : Plastic Surgery | Views : 1294 | Replies : 15 | Forum : The Weight Room


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