One week into the MF program and my loving husband brings home a huge box of leftover pizza. Oh, the agony. I can't toss it because my children want it. :idea: I realized the only way to save myself is to have my husband rub the pizza with pepperoni. I am a vegetarian and won't touch the stuff. Now, if I could only get him to put ...
I know I read somewhere around here about a list of extras (sf jello, sf popcicles?) we could have. I thought this info might be in the Getting Started book that came with my starter kit but it isn't...sooooo, can someone list them here for me or point me to a link that has that info? Thanks!
My husband just called me and told me my shipment has arrived so I'll finally be starting Medifast officially tomorrow. I have been using Pro-Cal shakes that a friend of mine had for the past few days, so I could get used to being on a 5-1 liquid diet, and I'm glad I did that because now I can go into doing Medifast without having to go through those nasty first few days (and they ...
Hi All,
My husband and I started MF Friday, July 29. That's 11 days and I've lost 12 lbs! :D I am drinking TONS of water, lemme tell ya.
I can't hardly believe it. My husband has lost several pounds more than me. As long as I space my shakes/soups correctly, I am OK and am not starving. My poor hubby is suffering something awful. ...
We came back from vaction this week and my son is back at preschool. He will be four next month. He has been wetting his pants and being really aggressive since we came home. He had a bad timeout tonight and hit me. We had to start over four times. When it was over we talked and he told me he was mad b/c I am back at work. It makes me cry. I told ...
I've read almost every posting on the diabetic sight, but I still don't get much feedback on weight loss. :( If I've overlooked a posting on this, please guide me to it. Just want to hear about a diabetic medifaster who is doing the program correctly and has lost weight. Wanting to lose weight in Ga., Jules
Medifast isn't just helping me fit into my pants better, it stopped my sweating problem! :D Before MF, just walking from my car to inside any building would make me start sweating profusely. I made it a habit of heading straight to a bathroom so I could cool off before anyone saw me. I would get so embarrassed ...