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70# club! Unca, Please

Finally 70 slow hard fought pounds. Just in time as we are headed to the horse races in New Mexico today. That trailor should move faster cause I'll be lighter. Horsey Girl
Read more : 70# club! Unca, Please | Views : 288 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

OMG I have had the hungry horrors for the past 2 days...

Not even the big spicy pickles were doing it for me and when I went to Publix tonight they had Italian bread with olive oil and herbs like they serve in the restaurant, in chunks on a platter.
I was like a bull seeing red as I headed for that plate and scarfed down 3 pieces so fast it would make your head spin.
As if that wasn't enough 3 of the choc chip cookies ...
Read more : OMG I have had the hungry horrors for the past 2 days... | Views : 482 | Replies : 4 | Forum : The Weight Room

Newbie with a question

Hello all! I have a few questions about my l & g menu. Here is an example of my day, I was hoping to get everyone's opinion if this is okay.

6:30am - Shake
9:30am - Shake
12 noon - Lunch - usually 2C lettuce, 4 small mushrooms, 6-7oz shrimp, crab OR chicken, 2tsp Salsa
2:30pm - Shake
5:30pm - Shake
8:30pm - Shake

I also drink 144 oz of water or water w/Crystal Light. ...
Read more : Newbie with a question | Views : 429 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Weight Loss

The German Alps Folk Festival etc.

Ok, y'all, here is the lowdown on my Saturday activities ;)

The German Alps Festival summary: lots of fun! As my last day in the fatty free world, I had bratwurst, knockwurst, Dinkle Acker pilsner beer, apple flahpen (deep fried battered apple slices with sugar dusted on top), and my one 'diet' item: Diet Pepsi ;) Not healthy food, ...
Read more : The German Alps Folk Festival etc. | Views : 452 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

Shame on me!!!

:uhuh: OK, I blew it. Yep, I did. I got no excuses, I did it and I can't blame emotions or anything else. It was all me! I made a bad choice and it's my fault. Let me start by saying I am sorry I let down my fellow Medifasters... I want to be supporting you as much as you have been supporting me and we ...
Read more : Shame on me!!! | Views : 354 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room

Portion Control Hocus Pocus

Honestly I was sitting here tonight catching up on how everyone is doing and eating my chilli and crackers like I have every night for seven weeks and I had the oddest thought. I was too full. I had to force myself to eat the last bite. I had my dinner about 3.5 hours ago and was hungry.The weird part is I remember when I had one of my first chilli and crackers I was ...
Read more : Portion Control Hocus Pocus | Views : 528 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Weight Loss

Another doglover update!

Hello again MF friends! I am still alive and well! I believe in my last note I had told everyone that I went to maintenance land for the summer as my schedule was too stressful and although I was compliant I could not lose. It seems to be that stress and distrupted sleep patterns do not equal good weight loss for me! But I am happy to report that I am having a good time ...
Read more : Another doglover update! | Views : 433 | Replies : 11 | Forum : The Weight Room

Who else watched "Supersize Me"? *possible spoile

I saw it some time ago and personally, I think it should be required viewing in 9th grade health class. :table: That poor guy! What really shocked me the most (and there was plenty of jaw-dropping going on :shock: ) was that the doctors said they really didn't think anything was gonna happen but maybe a little weight gain. ...
Read more : Who else watched "Supersize Me"? *possible spoile | Views : 324 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room

You know what I just realized?

When I lose 6 more pounds (and I see no fluctuations that would indicate it won't be very soon) I will officially be FIFTY pounds less than my heaviest weight of 1 1/2 years ago!! :shock: It wasn't Medifast taking it all off, but I'll owe the last 30 to it! Holy-Calzones, that really puts a different perspective on things for me. ...
Read more : You know what I just realized? | Views : 359 | Replies : 5 | Forum : The Weight Room

Shake prep question

Hey Nancy, if I heat my chocolate shake in say, the microwave for a few seconds to make it more cocoa-like, will that do anything negative to the proteins or mess it up in any other way?
Read more : Shake prep question | Views : 364 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Weight Loss


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