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Body Metamorphosis Questions????

Okay so I noticed something way weird and rather disturbing last night. Need some 4-1-1 to quell my nerves here.

Let me explain………..I have a waist, have always had a waist – maybe it is more like a permanent indentation and bruise from where my waist should be and where my pants hit me. So, I have a lower roll and then I developed an upper roll. Then the rolls started competing with the Twin ...
Read more : Body Metamorphosis Questions???? | Views : 454 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Weight Loss

Help Me---I would KILL for a cheeseburger right about now...

I am on day five of my MF diet, and for some reason, I am craving real food right now---a cheeseburger would be wonderful!! :? I don't understand why---I've been keeping myself busy and distracted but it isn't helping much. I am really getting both frusterated, and desperate-HELP, PLEASE!!!
Read more : Help Me---I would KILL for a cheeseburger right about now... | Views : 557 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

When will the weight loss slow down?

NOT that I'm complaining, b/c I'm not, but I'm just curious, I'm on day 5 of the MF diet, and have lost 6 pounds so far.....when does the weight loss slow down to a few pounds a week as opposed to 6 or more? I'm just curious, I'd like to know so I can be ready to be happy with a few pounds as opposed to several, so I don't think it's something I'm doing ...
Read more : When will the weight loss slow down? | Views : 518 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room

Yet another pound gone........

I'm happy to report that I've lost another pound, which puts me at six pounds lost so far, and I'm on day five......I'm also happy to report that my cravings are GONE :D , and I'm not at all hungry!! :exercise: :yes: I also wanted to say that the people ...
Read more : Yet another pound gone........ | Views : 463 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Weight Loss

Maintaining our Loss

I was browsing around the net looking for information about liquid diets and came across this study. Some of you may have seen this study before, but I thought that it was important for those of us who are new to the program. I have copied a brief summary of the findings here. It is quite encouraging for all of us liquid dieters. More importantly, however, the study shows that it is imperative for us ...
Read more : Maintaining our Loss | Views : 675 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Weight Loss

Fit! for kids..........

To one of our experts here: Are "Fit! for kids" products still available? I couldn't find the place to order them. Did I sleep thru the announcement of their demise, or something?

Thanks in advance for any information!
Read more : Fit! for kids.......... | Views : 440 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Weight Loss

Soy protein content of different Medifast products

I know the shakes have the most soy protein but can someone (unca?) give me a run down on the other products? I'm interested mostly in the soups (not fast), chili, oatmeals and bars.

Do some products have no soy?

Is the alternative protein whey protein?

If there's a site that lists all the info in one place, I'll be glad to just navigate to it. I looked at the main Medifast site but the ...
Read more : Soy protein content of different Medifast products | Views : 2136 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Weight Loss

Wow--day 4 and already 5 pounds lost!

I really can't believe my scale! I am on day four of the MF diet, and already my scale is saying I am 5 pounds lighter!! I'm sure it is mostly water weight, but hey-5 pounds is still 5 pounds!! :D I'm still slightly hungry, but more than able to make it for two hours without freaking from not eating anything. I am really encouraged, and ...
Read more : Wow--day 4 and already 5 pounds lost! | Views : 341 | Replies : 3 | Forum : The Weight Room

This week I lost...

8 pounds!!!! I am so excited! That is a pound more than my first week. I switched to adding some days of the 5 and 1 instead of the complete program all the time. It worked for me!! That makes a total of 15 pounds in two weeks!! Yay for me!!
Read more : This week I lost... | Views : 434 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room

That time of the month???

Just curious, is it normal to gain a few pounds even while on MF right before that time arrives?

It seems I'm getting close and this morning gained 4.5 of the 8 I had lost since Wednesday.
Read more : That time of the month??? | Views : 312 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room


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