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10 Pounds! Oh, and too much water?

Hey, folks-

Thanks for all your posts, I am an MF newbie, first time on the diet, and today marked my first week. I lost 10 pounds! I know that much of that is water, but who cares? It's 10 pounds less on me, right? I have a long way to go (need to lose over 100 pounds), but a friend told me to keep my goals small and manageable, so I am setting 5 ...
Read more : 10 Pounds! Oh, and too much water? | Views : 372 | Replies : 4 | Forum : The Weight Room


Ok, I have a question, I'm new to this program, this is my 2nd week and I hope this doesn't make anyone mad but I have to ask. I have been on every diet you can imagine (like alot of us). My husband actually teases me when a new one comes out that I haven't tried that one yet. That's how bad I am about doing different diets. His Dr. put him on this diet, ...
Read more : Question | Views : 406 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Weight Loss

Bar vs Shake

Hi folks!

I'm following the complete fast, which is:

Oatmeal / Shake

No hunger, no fatigue, no headache, etc... However, I noticed those 4 last days that my weight loss has slowed down significantly. I did some research on this forum, and I found something about bars.

1. What are carbs exactly and what do they do to organism that is different from shake/soup/oatmeal?
2. I don't LOVE bars. I ...
Read more : Bar vs Shake | Views : 2485 | Replies : 17 | Forum : Weight Loss

Back on Phentermine--What is wrong with me??

Hello to all. I am sorry to report that I am a weak individual. I have been on MF since October 1st. I've lost 20 pounds, which I am very happy about. However, it has been a struggle for me each and every day! I am following the program, drinking the water, getting the exercise, and keeping myself as busy as possible. Despite all of this, I can't stop thinking about food. I even dream ...
Read more : Back on Phentermine--What is wrong with me?? | Views : 474 | Replies : 1 | Forum : The Weight Room



Since this thread is already out there...what the heck! I’ll post a part 2!

I am losing friends too over dieting. I am getting a little bit bitter about it!!!!!!!!!!!! First of all, ALL OF MY FRIENDS ARE SKINNY and have never gone on diets!!!!!!!!! I am tired of being the " Fat -motherly-wise one they all come crying too!! I find that on medifast, it is way 2 hard to socialize a lot! ...
Read more : LOOSING FRIENDS -------PART 2 | Views : 746 | Replies : 12 | Forum : The Weight Room

Question about speed of weight loss

Hi everyone... I have a question about the rate of weight loss you all have experienced. I understand that everyone loses at a different rate but I have been told by several people, those not on MF mind you, that even though I have lost 7 lbs in 5 days on the diet, I am really losing mostly water weight (I have been getting in all my water). I'm wondering if this is true and ...
Read more : Question about speed of weight loss | Views : 496 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Weight Loss

what do i do

Hi all, Today is my first day. can someone tell me. When you want to usediet soda w/your shake do you mix it with the soda and omit the water? If you shake it w/the soda it wilk fizzle all over the place ???? I would think?
Also, what are these diffrent plans i se people talking about? I see people talking about moderate plan,full plan etc.. Please explain. Thanks cathy
Read more : what do i do | Views : 327 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Weight Loss

Question about program

Hi all,

I'm currently doing the full fast like that:

- Shake
- Shake / Oatmeal
- Soup
- Shake
- Bar
- Shake

I read that on the FAQ:

Complete Meal Replacement (Medifast 55, 70, Appetite Suppression) - Requires five Medifast supplements a day, no regular food. Recommended if you have a lot of weight to lose or you prefer to avoid all food choices.

I wanted to know, with my current plan I ...
Read more : Question about program | Views : 369 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Weight Loss

90# club! Please Unca.

Well finally I have reached the 90# club. Everybodys right. Those last few pounds are very stubborn. I go for weeks with no appreciable loss or just a little, but these last few pounds have to find a new home. I am going to evict them. :x like it or not. When I look back I really didn't admit to myself that I had gained this much ...
Read more : 90# club! Please Unca. | Views : 396 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room

100% on program and still had a gain?

How does this happen? 11 days on program, lost 11 lbs in first 4 days, next 7 - gained 2.5 lbs. 100% on program, no cheating, doing everything I'm supposed to, what is the deal? This is very discouraging and frustrating. I have no problem gaining on my own, that's why I'm here. Here's my eating plan, let me know if you see anything wrong.

8am - cappicino or chai latte
10:30am - shake or ...
Read more : 100% on program and still had a gain? | Views : 357 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room


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