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When are your most difficult times?

Ok, I'm struggling to get my tail in gear again. But, TODAY, I am doing this for good and getting the rest of this OFF OF ME!! I thought it would be helpful if we all talked about when the toughest times are for us. I know sometimes it seems like it's just tough all the time. But I know, for me anyway, that there are times when it just seems like I give myself ...
Read more : When are your most difficult times? | Views : 398 | Replies : 9 | Forum : The Weight Room

God Help Me Stop

Hi all,

I'm on day 3 of my post holiday pig out restart. So far so good. I LOVE the feeling of REAL hunger and MF satifies that hunger!

I'm still not stepping on the scales until Sunday. I have a physical next Tuesday, and I hope that I will at least be where I was before this backslide!

I did some Google searching a while back and found a 12 step program similar to ...
Read more : God Help Me Stop | Views : 736 | Replies : 3 | Forum : The Weight Room

Question on the intervals between meals.

Hey Guys,

I find my pattern to be that I'm eating about every 2 hrs, not every three hours like everyone else. Is this OK as long as I'm still eating the recommended amount of food. I typically don't eat my first meal until 11am so it gets me off to a late start. My schedule looks a bit like this;


Is this OK??? Thanks.

Read more : Question on the intervals between meals. | Views : 392 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Weight Loss

Goal club?????

I have noticed that the goal clubs are 10# apart up to 100# then they seem to stop :idontknow: ??? I understand that 100# may be a major milestone to us all and allot of people dont even need to lose that much weight but some of us are severely gravity challenged and it doesnt stop at a 100# (or even 200#) maybe after a hundred it ...
Read more : Goal club????? | Views : 256 | Replies : 3 | Forum : The Weight Room

~~~What did we all eat today?~~~01/09

Here is my food journal for the day. I wasn't feeling too good so no lean and green today.

9AM Oatmeal
11AM Oatmeal
2PM Bar
5PM Banana Pudding
7PM Chicken Wild Rice Soup
9PM (gonna have some cappuccino!)

I hope you all are doing well today. My tummy feels funky but I am sure I will be bouncing around tomorrow!

Read more : ~~~What did we all eat today?~~~01/09 | Views : 354 | Replies : 9 | Forum : The Weight Room

Why do we have to wait?

I've been on the diet only 6 days now and have read how you need to wait to exercise. What is the reasoning for this? Is it not to burn calories because we're eating little anyways? If it is this could I at least do a little bit of toning exercises? Would this hurt at all? Can anyone help and let me know what I can do and if not when can I start? Thanks ...
Read more : Why do we have to wait? | Views : 884 | Replies : 1 | Forum : The Gymnasium

ohhh my sore rear

What an awakening. I rode my new bicycle today. What happened to the guy I remember? I used to ride miles and miles (25 years and 200 lbs ago) When I posted the other day that I got a bike there was concern about too much excercise causing slow down of weightloss. Well I can only make it around the block :x and my rear bones hurt ...
Read more : ohhh my sore rear | Views : 360 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room

Holidays Didn't do so good .

Hi Everyone
The holidays got me. :x
Starting again today @ 212 was down to 203. Just can't seam to get under the 200 mark. My goal right now is to hit 199.9.

Anyone else have problems with the holidays?

I did great Christmas eve.
We went to my cousins house. I stayed away from all the food. My cousins husband didn't know I was on a ...
Read more : Holidays Didn't do so good . | Views : 294 | Replies : 5 | Forum : The Weight Room

trunk lift

Hi I have a question for anyone...I am starting today Jan 9th and I have scheduled an appointment on the 27th of Feb to go and see a plastic surgeon for a trunk lift. I need/will try to drop 40 lbs by the time I go and see him, and I am going to find out from him how close I have to be to my ideal weight to qualify for this proceedure. I am ...
Read more : trunk lift | Views : 319 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Weight Loss


ok, I weighed myself this morning on only DAY4...( UNOFFICIALLY-I AM NOT WEIGHING IN OFFICIALLY UNTIL THURSDAY.) and I LOST 9 LBS????

I know most of this is WATER and I had my TOM but geez 9LBS??? WOO-HOO!! for me ... I can't waituntil thursday to see the "official" weigh in!!!

after this thursday I think I'll joun sundays roll call !!! I can't wait to be in the 10# club!! this diet is so ...
Read more : 9 LBS IN 4 DAYS ....I AM AMAZED... | Views : 388 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Weight Loss


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