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exercise question

Hello everyone!
I'm new here, started MF 8 days ago. I bought my variety pack from ebay, and therefore didn't get any written info with it. I've gotten all my info from the web and your great forum. The one thing I haven't understood yet is why exercise can't begin until the 4th week. I feel super, I have more energy than ever. I haven't had headaches, dizziness, or any other complaints. Can someone please ...
Read more : exercise question | Views : 328 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Weight Loss

I made it to the 50 pound club!!

I got all my weight off from the holidays and I am at exactly 50 pounds! :mrgreen: I love MF!!
Read more : I made it to the 50 pound club!! | Views : 396 | Replies : 11 | Forum : The Weight Room

Official One Week Weigh In!!

Drum roll...............7 lbs total in one week!!! WoooooooooooHOOOOOO!! :yeah:
Read more : Official One Week Weigh In!! | Views : 358 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room

I need a new plan!

Here's the deal...I have a lot of trouble fitting things in every 2-3 hours. Let me explain a little and beg for some advice. I currently leave in the AM around 6:30 and can drink something on the way in to work.

When I get to school, I have kids until noon, have a half hour break, sorta, then have kids until 345. So, I wake up at 6, and try to drink a tea ...
Read more : I need a new plan! | Views : 646 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

Checking in

Just wanted to check in with everyone...I restart my MF tomorrow...I have alot of weight to lose and am going to try to focus on just one pound at a time. I have had another 'head on collision with reality" in that my doctor has gotten pretty serious with me about my weight. And now along with the high blood pressure (I am on meds daily now for this) and high blood glucose (been classified ...
Read more : Checking in | Views : 345 | Replies : 10 | Forum : The Weight Room

Magic Bullet at Walgreen's

Hello all!!
I was reading the subject of "Magic Bullet". I wanted you all to know that Walgreen's has them at a discounted rate. I can't remember how much they are, but, I do know they have them. If you all have Walgreen's in your neighborhood it might good to check it out.

Good luck to all!!
Read more : Magic Bullet at Walgreen's | Views : 366 | Replies : 5 | Forum : The Weight Room

Supplements!!! How Many??

Hey Guys,

I'm on the five and 1 plan. I've read in a few places to have 4 or 5 supplements a day plus your lean and green. Some days I really don't need that 5th one. Do I have to eat it or is this true you only have to have 4 OR 5 supplements. I've noticed a bit more weight dropping when I only have four as well. Thanks in advance for your ...
Read more : Supplements!!! How Many?? | Views : 460 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Weight Loss

Too many "That time of the month" for me!

Re-started MediFast 1/2/06 and have lost 13 lbs to date. My issue: I started my normal period 1/3/06, which ended 7/8/06 (normal for me), but it restarted 1/12/06 and just won’t go away, with the flow heavier than the last cycle, though I wouldn’t classify it as very heavy. In the past, on MF I noticed an irregular pattern in my cycle, attributed it to fluctuating estrogen levels, but this seems different again. Is there ...
Read more : Too many "That time of the month" for me! | Views : 1324 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Women's Health

Sunday Morning Roll Call, January 15, 2006

Happy Sunday morning everyone! I'm looking out of my window to see a beautiful blanket of fresh snow covering everything. It's very pretty. Until I have to go out in it.

So, I hope everyone has a great weigh-in today and sees the results you are hoping to see!

I'm heading into day 5 of my rededication and still going strong. Thankfully, the determination is back! I'm still 3lbs away from my pre-Christmas weight of ...
Read more : Sunday Morning Roll Call, January 15, 2006 | Views : 1834 | Replies : 26 | Forum : Roll Call


Why can't I eat eggwhites, veggies, or other non-caloric snacks while on Medifast? :shock:
Read more : Snacking | Views : 1131 | Replies : 15 | Forum : Weight Loss


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