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Been gone but still on plan...

Hi All,

First chance to sit and post in a couple of weeks. I hope everyone's doing well!

Well, I hit WONDERLAND!! I'm still in shock and it feels like it will just go away. I've lost 4.8 pounds in the last 2 weeks since posting, bringing my total loss to 46.4 pounds in 13 weeks. Hubbie has lost 10.6 pounds the last 2 weeks for a total of 81 pounds gone! I'm so proud ...
Read more : Been gone but still on plan... | Views : 455 | Replies : 9 | Forum : The Weight Room


This should be an inspiration to you all.

I went out to Friday's with my Mom and one of my (overweight) girlfriends this weekend. I ordered a burger, no bun, no fries, and a side of grilled onions and peppers. They both ordered the full Jack Daniels meal and garlic mashed potatoes.

When they ordered, my friend asked "Is it going to bother you to see us eat all this?" and I said no. A ...
Read more : Grrr.... | Views : 914 | Replies : 27 | Forum : Weight Loss

Anyone Else Afraid of Food?

I've been doin MF for a few days now, and I can't bear the thought of eating regular food. I'm afraid the LnG meal will make my appetite come back. So, I've been using the shakes, and except for very occassional dizzyness, I feel great and am not hungry. In fact, some days I struggle to get all 6 shakes in.
Do you guys find that eating regular food stimulates your appetite?

Read more : Anyone Else Afraid of Food? | Views : 478 | Replies : 11 | Forum : Weight Loss

Starting Again

I've had a rough past 6 months with fevers and massive intestinal difficulties. I'm feeling better, no more acne, looking much heathlier but i was hit with serious constipation and acid reflux. I then decided tot ake a break. Now im ready to start again.

I get horrible brain freezes where I cant really function. Caffeine makes me jittery. I do the salt thing. Anyone else have any suggestions? Need those brain cells active for ...
Read more : Starting Again | Views : 848 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Maintenance

You all look great

Ok. I had a very old computer- circa 1982 or something, and I would get on the forum and look at you guys and I was like um- well, no body really looked really good. Not even Nancy or Unca! :oops: So, my new boss bought me a laptop to do the campaign work on- ALL OF YOU LOOK AWESOME!!!! I never knew how a new computer ...
Read more : You all look great | Views : 617 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Weight Loss

The monthly question

Hi guys!

Sorry for the graphics, but my friend (the one I love so much he stays for a week out of EVERY MONTH!!!) came a week and a half early and is really unusually heavy.

This is weird- I am normally pretty on time and don't have problems with this.

Has anyone experience this? is it the soy?

HELP! :) ...
Read more : The monthly question | Views : 1236 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Women's Health

Another Non-Scale-Victory

Hey, folks-

So I always joke with my friends and family that I currently have a 3 week cycle for clothes fitting while I've been on MF. First week the clothes are slightly too tight, second week they're just right, and third week they're too loose. Things like sweaters and cotton tops can last a bit longer, but pants just look too baggy after 3 weeks, so I've been personally and single-handedly keeping Goodwill stocked ...
Read more : Another Non-Scale-Victory | Views : 421 | Replies : 12 | Forum : The Weight Room

I like it!!!

OK, I had some Chicken & Wild Rice Soup that I was going to get rid of, but then I remembered someone saying that they let it "steep" for a few hours. So, I tried it, and I like it! Very good this way!! I'm glad I decided to give it one more try.

Now, I might try to do the same with the chicken noodle and chili.
Read more : I like it!!! | Views : 329 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Weight Loss

I've missed you guys so much!

:wave: I'm sooooo's gonna take me a week to catch up!

Sorry I haven't been around much. I had a little emergency come up last Wednesday and actually had to go off of Medifast for a couple of days while in the hospital. :shock: I had Appendicitis. Image
Thank god we caught it in time before it burst ...
Read more : I've missed you guys so much! | Views : 332 | Replies : 14 | Forum : The Weight Room

No more Diabetes pills!

Morning everyone! I just came back from a Dr. appointment and she took me off all my diabetes pills. I was taking three! :shock: They were actually slowly being removed since I started MF, but as of yesterday I was still on Avandia. Dr. said it's from the low glycemic goodness of Medifast and the fact I have stuck with it. You can't imagine how this makes ...
Read more : No more Diabetes pills! | Views : 1401 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Diabetes


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