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How quick do the pounds come off after the 3 day stage? :roll:
Read more : metabolism | Views : 307 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

still chugging along doing the maintenance thing...

i've got a few days until vacation and i've been on maintenance for a few weeks. i've lost a few more tenths of a pound. i'm at 121.1 now.

so i'm scared about vacation. will i be able to make good choices?????? how difficult will it be to exercise self control??????????? i don't want to gain a bunch of weight, but am i strong enough? i just don't know. how do other maintainers handle vacation? ...
Read more : still chugging along doing the maintenance thing... | Views : 1085 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Maintenance

Down 6# and Scared

Hey there -- I've been a board lurker for a little while. I thought it was time to post because I need some accountability.

I began Medifast 9 days ago, and quite honestly, I'm struggling. I'm not struggling with the products -- they're surprisingly good. I'm not struggling with being hungry, because surprisingly I feel full. I had read that on here before I began and was skeptical, but I am amazed at truly how ...
Read more : Down 6# and Scared | Views : 404 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

travel success!

Hello everyone!

I'd like to thank so many of you for offering such excellent travel advice last week.

Our trip to Montreal was an absolute blast, and while I did not stay completely on plan, I felt successful with the choices I made AND the way I hopped right back on when I got home. With many MANY miles walked, I gained back about a pound, and have already lost that plus some! ...
Read more : travel success! | Views : 550 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss

Its Been AWhile.. **50 Pound Club Please Unca!**


I was so dissapointed last week, since I only lost 1 pound.. I have never only lost a pound, so I didn't get on the site and post my info.

Now I am happy to tell Y'all that I have lost a total of: 53.25 lbs!


I am down from 275 to 221.75 (I know, tacky huh) Gotta put that extra .25 or .75, makes a difference to me!!

I feel so good.. ...
Read more : Its Been AWhile.. **50 Pound Club Please Unca!** | Views : 483 | Replies : 14 | Forum : The Weight Room

Waist vs. Thighs

I've started to notice that my jeans are pretty loose around the waist, to the point where I finally had to dig out the one belt I own, to keep the darn things up.

However, my thighs still fill out the pants very well. When I first put them on, they are almost a little tight on the legs, but they loosen throughout the day. This is all subjective, as I don't have a tape ...
Read more : Waist vs. Thighs | Views : 547 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

Interesting Article......

Very good article.
Read more : Interesting Article...... | Views : 407 | Replies : 4 | Forum : The Weight Room

Why, Why, WHY?

Alright, I feel discouraged today. Monday I gained a half of pound and I don't have any idea how I did. I thought the next day I would lose it and I didn't. I am staying the same. How can your body gain when you are doing everything right? I can see staying the same, but come on...grrr...I just feel frustrated.
Read more : Why, Why, WHY? | Views : 797 | Replies : 17 | Forum : The Weight Room


I just placed my first order and I am so excited to start this program! I hope I ordered everything correctly.. anyways, I had a question about the salad dressings that are not MF brand.. If I want to use my Low-fat dressing from the store is there a maximum number of carbs it should have or sugars? Thanks
Read more : dressings | Views : 367 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Weight Loss

Here I go...whining again....

Well, I just had my one month check up with the orthopedic doctor who did my knee surgery. I am so disappointed. I am still in a lot of pain, have limited mobility and still have to take pain meds. I am up 2 to 3 times a night with the pain - putting ice packs on it, etc. To top that off, last week I had a PT assistant doing the exercises with me ...
Read more : Here I go...whining again.... | Views : 450 | Replies : 13 | Forum : The Weight Room


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