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Silly Question- Number of Shakes per day

Hi guys!

Well, I was just poking around the site for extra info, and have been reading some of the posts that make me wonder if I'm doing something wrong. Instead of fretting about it, I've decided to ASK!!! :oops:

Some of the posts say you are supposed to have a minimum of 3 shakes per day. The info I got from Medifast and other posts say ...
Read more : Silly Question- Number of Shakes per day | Views : 377 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss

This is like a bad dream!

I just need to vent.....I really don't mean to be negative...but gosh!!!

I have been on plan for 14 days. I have a total loss of 3.8 pounds. What is with that?? Someone said that the first few day's loss is probably water weight. That is when I lost 2.4 pounds of my grand total. That leaves 1.4 pounds net loss. Is my metabolism slowing down to accomidate the drastic cut in calories?

My starting ...
Read more : This is like a bad dream! | Views : 571 | Replies : 10 | Forum : The Weight Room


Does anyone suffer from candida with fevers, yeast, sore throat, fatigue?
Read more : Candida | Views : 2921 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss

Ignore "Need some help please..." and "Teache

No message, really. I'm just very gullible -- didn't click on the link (not that gullible) but how can one resist a title like that??

Unca, is it my imagination or are there more spammers lately? Could be that I've just been on a bit more :scratchhead:

Happy voting day, all!
Read more : Ignore "Need some help please..." and "Teache | Views : 302 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room

Has anyone tried freezing their RTD's?


I have finally ordered some RTD's and am really looking forward to getting them. I need something for when I am on the run and these should work. Then I got to wondering if we just froze them, and stuck them in the car/purse, they would thaw throughout the day and maybe at least be cool when we drink them. Has anyone else tried this?

I know with the juice boxes that you can ...
Read more : Has anyone tried freezing their RTD's? | Views : 406 | Replies : 13 | Forum : Weight Loss

What are 3 things you can't wait to do when you get thin?

I have been thinking about this for myself, and thought it may be fun to see what others are planning too.

3 things I can't wait for are:

1. To wear sleeveless shirts again!

2. To be able to shop in the Jr's section again, and not the "plus" size section!

3. To maybe wear a bathing suit in front of my hubby! Probably not in public, but just at home. ...
Read more : What are 3 things you can't wait to do when you get thin? | Views : 1183 | Replies : 25 | Forum : The Weight Room


It's reunion time and company's a'comin'!

Don't worry 'bout me if you don't see me for a short while. :roll:
But think of all the fun I will have, seeing folks for the first time in years! :shock:
I'll try to keep track of all the comments, good :lol: and ...
Read more : REUNION TIME! | Views : 274 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room

weekly frustrations

I'm just writing here to vent basically. This week has been difficult mainly due to work and the craziness that goes on there. After reading a post here on emotional eating i have realzied everytime i have ever been on any diet I do well for a little while and as soo as something emotional happens i tend to ease my pain with food. I never realized it until now. Today was a perfect example. ...
Read more : weekly frustrations | Views : 353 | Replies : 6 | Forum : The Weight Room

Starting Week #2

Well today is day two week #2 for me and I'm still in disbelief at how simple and effective this plan is. :shock: I'm down about 12 pounds already and my energy level is super. I'm starting to think about things like when will I be able to buy new clothes, or when will I be able to start running again? Things I had so long ago ...
Read more : Starting Week #2 | Views : 299 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room

Why no brussel sprouts?

Anyone know why we can't eat them? They have 8 g carbs a serving but 3 is non-digestible fiber - 5 g total. Are they too caloric?

I love love love roasted any veggie but brussels are great that way . . .
Read more : Why no brussel sprouts? | Views : 11396 | Replies : 9 | Forum : Weight Loss


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