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Well it's about time!

About time someone opened the door to the 80lb. club. Scale read 246.5 this morning. That means not only are my muffin tops shrinking I am in a new club! Yeah Babeeeee!

80 down 50 or so to go!
Read more : Well it's about time! | Views : 911 | Replies : 20 | Forum : The Weight Room

Best NSV Day far

Monday, the choir I sing with had their first rehearsal for the new season. The old one ended in early May. While I had lost 40 pounds by then, no one really noticed. (don't cha just hate that when you lose a lot of weight and the only reaction you get is...say, your face is a little thinner, or... did you get a hair cut?!?)

At any rate, I walked into the rehearsal hall and ...
Read more : Best NSV Day far | Views : 349 | Replies : 9 | Forum : The Weight Room

Question about making stir-fry.

I want to stir-fry chicken and veggies tonight, but I have a question. Since the chicken is raw, do I need to cook it seperately in another pan, or can I immediately put it in with the chicken? I cook the chicken in the wok and then add the veggies to it?

Read more : Question about making stir-fry. | Views : 419 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss

Hair Loss- When to Worry?

Hi all!

So, lately I've been noticing a serious increase in the amount of "shedding" my hair is doing. My hair is naturally thick and I have quite a lot of it, so I've always been one to leave a hair trail about. But lately (especially after conditioning) I notice that instead of a few strands it is more like many strands. I wouldn't say clumps, and I'm not sure I notice the difference, but ...
Read more : Hair Loss- When to Worry? | Views : 921 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Weight Loss

weight loss chart/graph program??

Does anyone know of any download or program you can use to chart your weightloss progress? I am not very computer savvy so I dont even know where to look! I think it would be great motivation to see the line dropping from week to week as the pounds go down!
Read more : weight loss chart/graph program?? | Views : 660 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

Just a short update

Hello All! I haven't been here in forever, but I hit a monumental 20 pounds this morning! I also changed my weight goal. I know it isn't ideal, but I recently found out I have PCOS. My gyn said that the chances were, I'd never get all the way down, but it is possible to lose a good amount of weight. The lowest I've ever been is 160 and I was a size 10 at ...
Read more : Just a short update | Views : 475 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room


Do you have boundaries with your MF eating plan? If so, please share what they are.
The reason I started this post is because boundaries do help me stay on track and focused. I read about boundaries in Linda Spangle's book...
100 Days of Weight Loss. Linda Spangle is also the author of the Medifast book Success in a Shaker Jar. She is also the author of Life is Hard, Food is Easy. Her books ...
Read more : Boundaries | Views : 433 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room

Feeling like a circus act...

Hi, folks-

So, this is going to sound like one of those totally pathetic "are you kidding me?' posts - forgive me in advance!

I suspect this happens to many who've lost a significant amount of weight, but I am getting a little overwhelmed by the commentary and reactions of people recently.

My grandmom passed away last week, and I went home for the funeral and then to sit shiva. For anyone who doesn't know, ...
Read more : Feeling like a circus act... | Views : 814 | Replies : 22 | Forum : The Weight Room

Liquid only question


My doctor suggested I check into Medifast.

I see a lot of information about the 5 & 1 plan (I think that's the name) but nothing about liquid only... I've seen a few posts here and there from people who did liquid only but nothing describing how to do it.

I have sent an email to the people at the medifast website asking them for more information but thought maybe someone here could also ...
Read more : Liquid only question | Views : 1519 | Replies : 26 | Forum : Weight Loss

So many compliments my head is swelling

I went to my sister's house on Friday. She was having a party on Saturday so I planned on helping her with things. During the party I saw several of her friends that I know but only thru her. I was amazed at how many people noticed my weight loss. Some of them I havent seen since her baby shower or even since her wedding (at which time I weighed less then I do now). ...
Read more : So many compliments my head is swelling | Views : 537 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room


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