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Trying Again

I am trying Medifast again. It worked great the first time so I know it will work this time. The first time, I just wanted to see what it was like and I ordered only a two week supply. I was loving it but I didnt have the extra funds to re-order when the 2 weeks was up. That was 4 months ago. If I had planned accordingly, I would have reached my goal by ...
Read more : Trying Again | Views : 285 | Replies : 1

bad week

It's been a couple days since i've been able to post. This week i had a lot of unexpected and unwanted lunch/dinner dates. I had friends and family in from out of town, bridal shower, hurricane mess and work stuff. I didn't do very well although i stuck to salads at the meals i just felt like i wasn't doing well. Did i mentionHalloween is coming up and the kids have all this candy and ...
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This is my first time chatting with you Guys and I just want to say that I am extremely happy being on a weight lost progrqm for the first time in my life. I am an obese lady and have been shut out a lot in my life from doing things and being liked by people that didn't like me because of my weight. I'm really a happy person and a good person. Now that ...
Read more : LOSING | Views : 562 | Replies : 12

Bored at night and binge eating.

Hey, I have been on medifast for two weeks now, but this past week has really been bad. I have been compuslively overeating around 6:00 everynight. I try to do medifast in the morning and fall off the horse in the evening. I really want this to work for me but I need to be able to stop my urges when they arise. Can anyone give me pointers? When I stare at my empty fridge ...
Read more : Bored at night and binge eating. | Views : 973 | Replies : 8

Day 4

Thanks for the replies I got regarding cucumbers. The last 3 days have been very, very :shock: hard for me. I didn't want to talk or be around anyone. I was so hungry. It is only 8:32 a.m. but I'm feeling okay for now. Does it really get easier? Will the hunger go away? What about the cravings?

Hungry Girl
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Needing some encouragement

I am very :x upset and mad at myself. I have done so well on Medifast, I have lost 75 pounds and the last 3 months I have lost and gained the same 10 pounds. I do have stress in my life, like most everyone else. I work 40+ hours a week from home , my husband just had a minor surgery and my father-in-law has Alzheimer's ...
Read more : Needing some encouragement | Views : 565 | Replies : 6


Are cucumbers consider as freebies?
Read more : Cucumbers | Views : 557 | Replies : 4

Week One Update

I am happy to announce that my first week is done and I have lost 7 pounds!!! :lol: I am simply amazed at how much better I feel already. One big thing I have noticed since starting MF is that I am sleeping better at night. Anyone else experience this? I used to wake up in the wee hours of the morning and couldn't get back to ...
Read more : Week One Update | Views : 416 | Replies : 5

New and ready

hello all,
I am new to this journey. I am starting today
Oct 25, 2005. I have about 80 pounds to lose...
Read more : New and ready | Views : 456 | Replies : 3


I'm on day four and I am absolutely amazed at how much time I used to spend eating. I hate to admit this, but I seem to have much more free time on my hands despite that fact that I'm eating 6 times a day. Anyway, I have been making a list of things to distract me from heading into the kitchen and "sampling". This past weekend I had a horror movie marathon with my ...
Read more : Distractions | Views : 205 | Replies : 1


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