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Tickers - can anyone help me please

Hi everyone, I guess I'm not too smart I can't seem to figure out how to get my configured ticker on my website, can anyone help me please. Thanks, helpless michelle lol
Read more : Tickers - can anyone help me please | Views : 405 | Replies : 3

Starting Saturday!


I am joing the ranks tomorrow. I got my shipment today and am pumped up about starting! I have type 2 diabetes and PCOS. I need to lose close to 80lbs. Did something like this years ago-lost 62 and got pregnant with my 1st daughter. That was a plus! I can't wait to get going in the morning-it'll mean less for me to plan during the day by having this plan to follow. Less ...
Read more : Starting Saturday! | Views : 594 | Replies : 7

2nd Day, thought I'd introduce myself

Hi, everyone -

It's my 2nd day on MF, and things seem to be going well. I am a newbie, first time on it, but certainly not new to dieting. I have exhausted most options, including two stays at Duke DFC (anyone know that program?).

I am 30 yrs old, live in Manhattan, and have pretty active social and business life that always seems to be centered around restaurants. My whole group of friends are ...
Read more : 2nd Day, thought I'd introduce myself | Views : 484 | Replies : 9

Busy life, but it works!

I am new to to the forum but have been on Medifast for 3 weeks now. I am so proud of myself, I have followed this program exactly, I don't want any back sliding, this is the last time I ever want to lose these 45 lbs. I weighed this morning and have lost 10 lbs.

The best thing about Medifast for me is that it is so portable. I have six busy children (3 ...
Read more : Busy life, but it works! | Views : 313 | Replies : 1

Where are you finding these foods?

Hey, folks-

It's my first day on this, so far so good! I am curious - I am on the 5 and 1 plan, and I hand selected all the different shakes, soups, oatmeals, etc. from the MF site (based on my taste preferences). But in these forum conversations, people are mentioning all these food options that I totally didn't see on the site. Is there somewhere else people are accessing MF foods?

Read more : Where are you finding these foods? | Views : 455 | Replies : 1

Extra Foods

Hi, my husband and I are new at medifast, this is our first week. His doctor has put him on it and because I know he won't do it without me I am doing it too, however I need to lose weight too so my question is: I'm a little confused on what we can eat if we are hungry besides the 5&1 plan. If I understand this right, we can have a small salad(other ...
Read more : Extra Foods | Views : 482 | Replies : 1

day 3 2nd start

when i woke up this morning to weight myself i was down 5 first time i was down 6 pounds for the entire week. Way to Go me! I was down to business this time.
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Hi, I was just writing because I am new to this program and i'm having such a hard time, I have been sooooo hungry, today is my 3 day and it seems to be getting harder, can anyone offer some advice to how I get through the hunger pains. I ate 2 pickles today besides my six meals and tried to chew gum but I am very very hungry. If anyone could help I would ...
Read more : HELP | Views : 771 | Replies : 16

NEW abd Restaurant Question

Hi Gang,

Tomorrow will be my first day on Medifast so I thought I would write and introduce myself. I've been on a diet a while back that offered a posting site and it really helped me to read everyone's posts and ask for help as needed. I did great at the time but gained back the weight (plus some) since that time. When I went to go back to the site this year, they ...
Read more : NEW abd Restaurant Question | Views : 398 | Replies : 3


I did it!!! :clapclap: 40lbs gone!! :cleader:


I cant believe it was sooooo easy. I'm on my way baby!! :drive:
Read more : I REACHED 40LBS!!!! HOORAYYYY! | Views : 531 | Replies : 8


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