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Starting again, question on Crystal Light

I originally started Medifast Feb. 2005 and lost 45 lbs in just a few months, it was wonderful. But, I stopped and to my own fault I gained half of it back. I didn't eat right, so I blame myself. But I've started again as of yesterday with all the motivation I can muster. This forum offers so much help and support and I really am glad I found it.

I do have a ...
Read more : Starting again, question on Crystal Light | Views : 279 | Replies : 6

Can't wait to get started!

Happy New Year!
I've ordered my supplies and can't wait to receive them and get started! I've been reading some of the posts and see some great inspiration here.
I look forward to getting to know you!
Read more : Can't wait to get started! | Views : 825 | Replies : 21

I got my food!!! Yippee!!

Yes, I got my food!!!! I start tomorrow!!! I would appreciate any advice!! I really need to succeed!! I have the flu today and ate homemade turkey soup and chinese dumplings.. (10) and now want to start this bright and early tomorrow!!!

Wish me luck!!! :)
Read more : I got my food!!! Yippee!! | Views : 274 | Replies : 3

Joining The Returning Crowd!

Well, I said I'd be back after the first of the year, so here I am on Day One. No point in putting it off, or I'll be putting it all back on!

For those who don't know me, I lost 90 pounds on MF last year. I went "on hiatus" for the last quarter or so, since I was having too much stress in too many other areas, and I frankly was tired of ...
Read more : Joining The Returning Crowd! | Views : 1921 | Replies : 31

Coke Zero

I was just wondering if you can have Coke Zero about twice a week on MF? I never stay committed on MF because I give in and drink a coke then it is back to day 1. I think if I could drink a Coke Zero once or twice a week that I actually might succeed. I have beeen battling a coca~cola habit for about 6 years now. I can usually make it about two ...
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I'm gonna try again and succeed this time!

I tried and didn't do well at this last year but I am resolute and I'm starting up again tomorrow. I am 5'8 and 239...that does not feel good to write...but it will be changing soon!!!! :x the way I am 35 and live in Southern CA.

I have job interviews in May and need to get under 200 to be confident for that. I hope ...
Read more : I'm gonna try again and succeed this time! | Views : 1296 | Replies : 15

New possible Medifast user with questions

Hello everyone,
I have spent several hours over the last two days reading information on this site.
I need to know if there is anyone out there like me who has been successful with Medifast. I have been a failure SOOO many times.
I've had a weight problem all my life but it has gotten worse the last ten years. I thought I was fat at 130 pounds and now I'd LOVE to weight only ...
Read more : New possible Medifast user with questions | Views : 295 | Replies : 4

Nancy - GREAT new pic!

Thank you so much, Little Darlin'!

In November Terry and I were asked to submit a portrait of ourselves for the Wall of Fame at the Medifast Diet and Take Shape For Life Headquarters in Owings Mills, Maryland. We had not had a professional picture taken of ourselves since our wedding day over 35 years ago and we had such a great time that day.

We had been wearing faded jeans and t-shirts for three ...
Read more : Nancy - GREAT new pic! | Views : 341 | Replies : 5

It's Guido!


Guess who is back!

Some of you probably know me, many of you will not. I am Mike. (I have posted hundreds of times) I originally joined this board back sometime in 2003 (Sept I think) at a weight of 337# Miraculously in about 4 months, I lost 114 pounds on Medifast and kept if off for about a year. Well, old bad habits don’t dies easily, and I have gained about 40 pounds ...
Read more : It's Guido! | Views : 1950 | Replies : 32


Hello everyone. I have been wanting to try Medifast for a long time. I was about to place my order when I found out that I was pregnant with my second child. So here I am 9 months later ready to lose at least 80 lbs. I placed my order on the 27th and have been impatiently waiting for it to arrive. I look forward to chatting with everyone. I've read just about every post ...
Read more : Hello | Views : 260 | Replies : 7


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