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Anxiously waiting!!

Just thought I'd go ahead and say "Hi!" to everyone and introduce myself. I ordered on Monday, Jan. 2 after a wonderful conversation with Nancy. I felt that I had made a new friend by the time we finished our talk. Thank you, Nancy, for taking the time to talk with me.
Sue, I couldn't help but notice the similarities in our stories. I also am 50 years young, and am hoping to lose about ...
Read more : Anxiously waiting!! | Views : 363 | Replies : 9

I'm new and kindly have some questions.

Hi everyone! I'm sure some of these questions have been asked before, so I apologize in advance if I sound like a broken record.
I have some questions regarding the food on this way of eating. Do you have to buy all the prepackaged food that Medifast sells to do this, or can you just buy the shakes and use as recommended, then instead of eating one of the prepackaged meals they recommend, eat something ...
Read more : I'm new and kindly have some questions. | Views : 239 | Replies : 3

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year to everyone old and new....... :bighug: ......Hugs to all of my medibuddies and a welcome to the newbies....... :wavie: .......December left little time to post as other priorities took hold........ :yes: .....College stuff...for our first child.... :hmmm: ..visits.... ...
Read more : Happy New Year!!! | Views : 294 | Replies : 3

Hey Im a newby and loving it

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to introduce myself. Name is Sara, I'm 24 and I live in Florida. I married a wonderful chef but unfortunately gained 60 lbs. in the process. Im looking to lose 60 lbs. and I wanted something somewhat quick but healthy. My mom told me about this. She did this after I was born and said it was the only thing that ever worked for her. This is my forth day on ...
Read more : Hey Im a newby and loving it | Views : 373 | Replies : 4

It's here!!!!

I'm so excited!! :exercise: I'm doing the happy dance!!

The box just arrived! It's 10:40am and all I have had is two cups of coffee and a water bottle today.

Soooooooooo, I'm gonna start today! It's OK to start this late, right??
I'll just space things closer today.

I heard the FedEx truck and saw him bring up 4 large boxes. The first three were things we ...
Read more : It's here!!!! | Views : 201 | Replies : 3

Ordered Yesterday

Hello all! I ordered my first shipment yesterday, and am eagerly awaiting its arrival so I can get this show on the road! :D

Interestingly enough, I really didn't know much about Medifast at all until New Years Day when I was sitting with my laptop in front of the television and decided it was time to make a change. I stumbled upon the Medifast website ...
Read more : Ordered Yesterday | Views : 809 | Replies : 16

Howdy . . . and hello

Just wanted to post an introduction, have been lurking since my dw started in November. Seeing her amazing results, I decided to jump on the bandwagon too. Can't wait to be part of this supportive forum.
Read more : Howdy . . . and hello | Views : 422 | Replies : 6


I have questions on throwing up How dose it effect your weit loss on MF? Does it help you loos faster? Or does it slow you down? For example if you fallow the plan all day and screw up at one nite and make yurself threw it up will that fix the problem? Will you still loos weit that day?
Read more : Purging! | Views : 321 | Replies : 4

new and trying

Well, this is new to me, not quite sure how to use the programs here. I don't tend to join things like this, but after reading numerous entries I just couldn't resist. This seems like a wonderful and supportive 'community'.
So...if I can figure out how it all works this will be my first post.

I'm 45, 5'10", and after five years of health issues, one after the other, I am finally taking things into ...
Read more : new and trying | Views : 268 | Replies : 7

another newbe

Well, this is day 2 and I think I've made it ( 2 medifasts to go). I can't say its a cake walk but I think I've got it. So far I think I could exist on the soups they are killer and may be my mainstay. I am so excited about this venture. In the past I've put off loosing weight since it never seemed like the right time. Well, I took inventory of ...
Read more : another newbe | Views : 309 | Replies : 10


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