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Side Effects

Just wanted to know if there are any unusual side effects while being on the program. Any input would be great.

Thank you.

Read more : Side Effects | Views : 400 | Replies : 4

New Medifaster

I am on my 3rd day of Medifast, and have a few questions. To let you know something about me to help you answer: I am a 5' 1", age 51 female, and plan on losing another 30 pounds (to 105) before trying to maintain and seriously start exercising.

Now for the questions:

Since I am short, is it OK to eat 4 meal replacements and less than 5 or 7 oz. of meat per ...
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Help! Gum pain

I have never had gum pain before, but just this week I have started getting kind of a raw feeling in my gums all over, but mostly on my upper gums. I haven't changed brushing habits - the only thing I have done is start Medifast. Is this a common issue?
Read more : Help! Gum pain | Views : 412 | Replies : 3

new to program with questions........

I started MF yesterday. I did fine yesterday, but today I was feeling a little "weird" so I added about 300 calories of "real" food. I'm sure that is a mistake....but I felt better after I did. Any advice on how to get past it? Does it happen to everyone or am I just weird? I was feeling light headed, cold, headache, and shaky. Any advice would be great. I'm very inspired from the before/after ...
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Newbie to Medifast

Hi to everyone!
I am 35 and waiting for my first shipment of MF. I ordered on Friday and I hope for it to arrive soon! I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. My highest weight was 272 and I got my weight down to 220 and maintained there for 3 years now. I can't seem to get pass that 220 mark. I had lost that weight by eating ...
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new medifast980 convert!

I have just finished my second week on the medifast program and have lost 11 pounds! I can't beleive how easy and great this is! As with others on this list I have dieted repeatedly without sustained success but I have great hopes that this plan will be one I can live with on going! First and foremost I have not been hungry or had cravings so I have not cheated! This is the first ...
Read more : new medifast980 convert! | Views : 274 | Replies : 5

Newbie on her way to thinness

Hi Medifast Family:

I saw a Medifast commercial on TV and searched google and found this wonderful site. You guys are soooo supportive and it appears Medifast is working wonders for all of you. That is truely amazing.

Well my name is Sonja and I am soon 2 b fit. I just ordered the 4 week get 1 week free value pack. I tried calling the 800# from this site but kept getting an answering ...
Read more : Newbie on her way to thinness | Views : 292 | Replies : 8


I am currently doing Medifast (I love it) but have a 3 day convention at a retreat facility where all the food will be prepared for us with little choice as to what is offered. I need some ideas on how to effectively travel with Medifast and how to attend all day conferences and still be able to stay on the plan.
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Day two...

Hi, wow my stomach sure is grumbly! I don't feel too good, does this end? I am getting all 5 meals wich taste good, L&G and drinking all the water. I know the first week can be hard and I am not giving up. Please send encouragement :(

Read more : Day two... | Views : 318 | Replies : 10

I am getting upset here!

Hello everyone,
I really need a talking to here....I started the medifast on 1/21. I weighed myself on 1/28 which was a week and I lost 7lbs which was great.. :yippee:. Then I just weighed myself today which is five days later and I only lost 4 ozs. :cry: . I though I was to lose ...
Read more : I am getting upset here! | Views : 515 | Replies : 12


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