I am having one of those days where the quote :brickwall: "I shot 3 holes in my freezer" from the Jimmy Buffet song Boat Drinks comes to mind. That darn song keeps playing in my mind. Cabin fever has definetely set in and I don't have my old habit of baking/cooking something good to wile away the hours. Not sure how many times I have snapped ...
Read more :What a day! | Views : 283 | Replies : 3
I am on day #3 so far. I have found this very easy and no problems sticking to it. Tomorrw may be a bit sticky since I have to be at the hospital from 6:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (nursing student). Only my best friend in school knows that I am on this plan and that is the way I want to keep it. I plan on putting my shakes in a rubber maid shaker. ...
Hi everyone, Day one is complete, did well, NO cheats, However the chili was too bad to consume. I put some salsa in it thru it in the fridge and will try it tonite.Over all it was a good day.
Thanks to all
Read more :day one down | Views : 296 | Replies : 3
I need some encouragement. The diet itself is relatively easy.. I enjoy it (except all the peeing! LOL) and the weekends get a little tricky..but what is really hard is being short and losing weight sloooowwly.. I am almost done with week 4 and I am only down 9 pounds... I am losing an average of 2 pounds a week.. I know I am going down so I should not be complaining but ...
I know this is probably a stupid question but I have read over my guide and can't figure it out. Do we drink a total of 100 oz of water a day? Or do we drink 100 oz plus the 40 oz we mix with our shakes?
I ordered a box of chocolate mint bars and it came today.
it had to come on the hour that i was having a mental meltdown! grrrrrr
i guess it was bothering me that i didn't lose any weight this week.
and i started thinking (again) negative thoughts like "watch i bet ill be the only one that doesn't lose anything on this diet" and oh ...