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iam starting soon but scared about the first 3 days like atkins i never made it through the first days so it didnt work iam such a emotional eater i tryed all the other diets trainers hypnosis drs jenny, w.w. 's trainers ,rich s. videos. pi;;s over net . drug store supplements ,ephedrine so i need some support on this please jim from nw ind 80 need yto lose
Read more : NEW START MARCH 7 | Views : 402 | Replies : 9

question about lean and green

Hope someone can help me with trying to figure out how much of a vegetarian protein I can eat in place of the meat. I did see that you could have one boca burger but I am wondering about other products. I have always used the vegetarian "chicken and beef" like strips. I also like many other types of vegetarian products so would like to know the calorie and carb limits for the meats so ...
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I have no clue

Hey this is falisamaries daughter and i wanted to thank you all for the prayers of my dog. She is at home now but not doin that well. I am confident that she is goin to survive. My mom told me that you all were praying for her and i just wanted to thank you VERY much again.

Thank you,
Tabitha. :cleader:
Read more : I have no clue | Views : 787 | Replies : 17

Comedy Relief Brought to You By Smartipantz

Thought I'd give you all deserved a good laugh on me.

Last night I decided to have a chocolate shake for my last supplement. I went to my box, pulled out a packet (out of the Chocolate Shake box, I swear!!), and dumped it in the blender. I thought it kinda made a thud when it fell in the blender but keep right on going. I poured in my water , ice, and a tad ...
Read more : Comedy Relief Brought to You By Smartipantz | Views : 424 | Replies : 4

Oh Yes

I am sitting here in my size 14 pants. :woohoo: You betch your bootie they are tight, but I got them on and zipped. I am going to sit in them for awhile just to enjoy. Ummmm...... that won't be long becuase they are squeezing my stomach a bit :shock:

I was kind of discouraged with the weight loss ...
Read more : Oh Yes | Views : 282 | Replies : 7

Encouraging the "Hungries" with Mistakes

Hey Everyone!

I am starting my Day 8! Yay! I still have some mild true hunger, but I've been sticking to it! I think that what messed me up was that I had about 4 random meals in the last three days in which I waited way too long to eat them (between 3 1/2 - 4 hours). I've got to do better with meal timeliness because the "hungries" are a bummer!

I THINK that ...
Read more : Encouraging the "Hungries" with Mistakes | Views : 320 | Replies : 6

ok yet another question

I was looking at one of the websites and I saw Medifast salad dressing! Is this something that is a real option or will I thow off my whole diet by suing these extras I am seeing?
Thanks :D
Read more : ok yet another question | Views : 297 | Replies : 7

How long

I ordered my 5 weeks from the Medifast #. How long does it really take to get it? They told me 3 days.
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on my own

Hello everyone.
I'm a 42 yr old male with very high blood press... and I am thinking about starting the Medifast plan on my own.
I'm about 150LBS. over weight and None of the doctors I have been to will recommend this plan. I have several friends that use this plan and have lost a lot of weight with no side-effects. Should I just dive in and go for it?

Thanks for any input
Read more : on my own | Views : 509 | Replies : 14

20# club please

So how do I get on this wonderful 20# club. Unca you out there. As of today I lost 20.6 in 28days :D
Read more : 20# club please | Views : 237 | Replies : 9


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