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Day Three !

Start of Day three, and I am hanging in there.

Yesterday was really, really bad. Got a horrible migraine, took 3 Imitrix over 6 hours and it did nothing, so finally just took the big guns and went to sleep. And by doing that I didn't get my last meal of the day. But I wouldn't have been able to hold it down anyway.

Now enough of the complaining and on to the good ...
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Just started

Today is the start of Day 2 for me. Yesterday was awful. I get really bad migraines regularly and got one yesterday at the movies. I brought my shake with to have at the movies but noticed almost insantly after drinking it that I felt nausous. How can I have a lactose intolerance if i have had no previous problem with dairy?? I got home at midnight and was going to have some oatmeal to ...
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Another newbie

Good morning, ya'll. Figured I'd post to say hi and introduce myself. And maybe get some of that encouragement everyone's passing out.

I'm on my fourth day, and I keep going up and down emotionally. I'm still excited about it, and determined to do it. I have to do something, because I'm sick and tired of being so big. The immediate problem is that I'm hungry and craving all sorts of junk food. Yes, I'm ...
Read more : Another newbie | Views : 274 | Replies : 12

losing slowly but keeping up my spirits


I'm the new gal on the block I guess... I'm not too good with posting messages and stuff... I've been on Medifast and am currently in my 4th week... I've lost 10 pounds... I think that is good so far... Anyone else out there ? Am I doing this message thing correctly? Hmmm....

Christine :)
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Re: chat

Lissakay wrote:I can't seem to access the chat room. Where is the icon for that?

Hi there...I am new...ordered MEdifast et then fell off the wagon in two days..couldn't get back on it...but Nancy's gorgeous young face et leather pants keep appearing before my eyes. I am so sick of being so sick of every diet program I have joined...I just have to do this. I am a young a great cook......Does anyone have ...
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Exercise...Slowed Weight Loss?

First, to all the other newbies and oldbies, congratulations, and I look forward to reading about your successes!


It's been six weeks, yay! So, it's time to start with a little exercise. I was considering lifting weights (Just Danskin dumbells) for my 10-15 minutes INSTEAD of doing cardio. I figure that since muscle burns more calories, in the long run, this would be better for my overall metabolism. In addition, I would be toning ...
Read more : Exercise...Slowed Weight Loss? | Views : 1073 | Replies : 15

conquering our fears....of foods!

Hello everyone. I hope you all are having a great Friday. I just wanted to post about something that I have been avoiding since I started MF early February.....MOVIE THEATRES!!! My 13 yr old son talked me into going to see a movie yesterday. I had it all planned out in my mind that if the smell of popcorn became too tempting, I would just pull a bar out of my purse, and that would ...
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Shakes (Clarification PLEASSSEEEE!!)

Hi Everybody!

I need help. Can someone explain to me why we are required to have a minimum of 3 shakes a day and not a variety of meals? I am constantly running out of shakes and my meals are piling up. I can not eat them fast enough!
Am I doing something wrong? :?
Read more : Shakes (Clarification PLEASSSEEEE!!) | Views : 422 | Replies : 7

Thanks to all

Thanks to all for your great support. I do not feel as scared now with all of you going through the same things. Question? I have about 7 days before my MF gets here. Should I eat all I want or get my body ready now for the dramatic caloric reduction I will follow?
Read more : Thanks to all | Views : 260 | Replies : 5

Okay, I need some help !!!

Started on my M/F today and I am currently freaking out. :shock:

I had the maple oatmeal for my first meal, it was not horrible, but the consistancy kinda freaked me out... so I was fine..... :)

Then came the smore bar, I have a sore tooth so it was kinda tough to chew on, but I managed and ...
Read more : Okay, I need some help !!! | Views : 429 | Replies : 13


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