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YIKES!!!!I gave blood

Hi everybody. I gave blood this morning for the 1st time, and didnt even think about them making me eat or drink anything afterwards. But I had a capri sun, and I did choose those 100 calorie cookies. Anyways, I think I should skip a supplement today and try and balance things out alittle. What do you guys think?
Read more : YIKES!!!!I gave blood | Views : 537 | Replies : 5

Office Workers

I am wondering how I am going to take my shakes with me to work. Do you prepare them ahead of time and just keep them in the refrigerator. Or take the shaker with you to work.

I wonder which would be eaiser and which one would taste better. I have always made powdered shakes in a blender. And I dont think my office mates would be happy if I brought one to my cube ...
Read more : Office Workers | Views : 940 | Replies : 15

I got my shipment!!!!

YAY!!!! The FedEx man brought me a present while I was running errands this afternoon!!! I have to admit, I kind of expected the box to be bigger... and fuller... lol but everything was there & I have it all organized - soups, hot drinks, shakes & pudding in a big underbed storage box, bars in the fridge (I live in Florida, everything melts lol), and the duplicate boxes (chili, vanilla & chocolate shakes) in ...
Read more : I got my shipment!!!! | Views : 383 | Replies : 13


Thank you VIcky. I don't get online much during the week, but thanks for the support!

This hasn't been the best week for me. Work and traffic have been awful. I need to regroup this weekend. Sticking to it for the most part though, but not perfect.
Read more : JENE115 | Views : 377 | Replies : 3

Is this normal???

Hello all. Well just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I lost 10 ponds in 4 days. I'm ecstatic and all but I don't really feel a difference in my clothes yet. I figure with a ten pound weightloss, i'd at least feel it. Is this just water weightloss or what? Sorry... don't mean to whine... I mean, I should be happy... right?? I am still waiting for the daily headaches to ...
Read more : Is this normal??? | Views : 466 | Replies : 9

Coming to this board...

is so motivating! This morning, it actually brings tears to my eyes. Cause I am going through this debate with myself...can I do this? It seems so drastic. But I am also sitting here in a big tee shirt, not looking foward to getting dressed. Knowing when I get to work I will get winded walking one level of stairs, something absolutly riduculous for a woman in her early 30's.

Thank you for all your ...
Read more : Coming to this board... | Views : 286 | Replies : 6

Back On Track!

I have to admit last week was real hard for me! I had my final weigh in at work and had lost 26 pounds! I made the mistake of going for Pizza Bar at lunch and then on Thursday going out with the girls! I was very Very bad!!!!
Just wanted to share that I'm back on program and ready to shake away! Still didn't gain anything back!!! I guess it was b/c of moderation! ...
Read more : Back On Track! | Views : 218 | Replies : 6

Newbee here..


Hello everyone wanted to say hi and tell you I started today 4-4-06.
I have already met some people on here and hope to keep emails going to keep our sprits up.
I have a lot to lose so am taking it day by day....
Today I have done really well with drinking my water. Thats a hard one for me..!! so i did good.. ...
Read more : Newbee here.. | Views : 816 | Replies : 22

Back after a looong absence

Hi, All! I don't recognize many of the names on the board, which means that

a) I have been gone a long time
b) Everyone I knew has moved on to Thinner Pastures (yay!)

In any case, Seaside here in sunny Florida. I dropped out of sight last August after a job change -- a happy one -- and then we bought a house, so it's been crazy. Oh yeah, and there were just a ...
Read more : Back after a looong absence | Views : 1051 | Replies : 18

One down, ??? to go!

Yesterday was my first day and I didn't deviate once which is HUGE for me. I was pretty hungry later in the evening, but I kept busy. I found that if I stay away from the television I'm okay; idle hands = snacking! So here I am in day 2 and I feel pretty good. I'm waiting for headaches and crankiness (although my kids say I'm normally pretty cranky to begin with ...
Read more : One down, ??? to go! | Views : 371 | Replies : 10


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