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Water loss

Ok so people i have maybe a silly question.
How much of our first and maybe even second weeks weight loss is just water??

when do we actually start losing weight..??

Today is my 3rd day on MF. I am good. Had a small headache yesterday and a small one this am.. I am drinking TONS Of water believe me.. I got a jog that hold 74 oz and i drink that and then some ...
Read more : Water loss | Views : 324 | Replies : 8

Green tea question

My husband bought some diet Lipton green tea in a bottle I read the nutrition facts and it only shows 70mg of sodium everything else is 0.
It should be okay,right?
Just wanting to double check.

Back to cutting grass.... 8)
Read more : Green tea question | Views : 365 | Replies : 5

Question for those who have lost quite a bit

Hi Everyone,

I'm experiencing a strange phenomenon that I've not experienced with other weight losses. (I'm also getting older, so this may account for some of it!)

As I lose, I am developing aches and pains that I didn't have before, especially in my hips, back and neck. Is this common for folks who have lost a lot of weight? I'm only at 45 pounds so far, but I would've expected to feel less aches. ...
Read more : Question for those who have lost quite a bit | Views : 412 | Replies : 7

Hello everyone (newbie here)

Hi everyone,
I have decided to come out of Lurkdome!..I have been shaking for 2 and a half weeks and total loss so far is 14lbs....I weigh in on Sunday.I am very pleased and am excited to reach my goal.I have 40 more lbs till my goal...we shall see after that
Read more : Hello everyone (newbie here) | Views : 293 | Replies : 14

At a standstill :(

I can hear all of you saying - don't will come'll be surprised when all of a sudden you'll have a big loss......however, I still feel bummed. :cry:

I seemed to have hit a bump in the road. I haven't lost a thing since I hit the 36 pound loss on Monday. I know I shouldn't weigh every day but I am ...
Read more : At a standstill :( | Views : 848 | Replies : 17

Look at my ticker

Hey guys I am soooooooooo excited this morning. I am under the two hundred mark. I haven't been here in 4 years!!!! Yeh buddy that is 5.9 pounds lost in 6 days!!!! Almost a pound a day. Tomorrow is my official one week weigh in I can't wait. By the Sunday morning roll call I should be almost ready for the 10 pound club I can't wait.

Thanks for all your encouragement everyone and keeping ...
Read more : Look at my ticker | Views : 962 | Replies : 21


My name is Brandi, I'm on my fourth day - hopefully when ketosis kicks in.

I'm so excited to have found a group that is so supportive and encouraging.

I had a bad MF day yesterday becuase I am an emotional eater and my mother sets me off every time I talk to her. I didn't cheat and really wasn't tempted to cheat, but boy did I want to eat something! I ended up with ...
Read more : Hello! | Views : 337 | Replies : 13

When to Time your Next MF meal

I have a question, If I have a MF Shake at 7Am and finish it by 7:30- 8:00 AM do I count the time When I finish it or when I started it? I know probably a Dumb question but I wanted to know to make sure I am doing this right.

Thanks ahead of time for answers. :mrgreen:
Read more : When to Time your Next MF meal | Views : 270 | Replies : 6

What's Better?

Eating your meals closer together or farther apart? I'm asking because it's becoming clear to me that there will be times at work where I'm in a meeting at my 3 hour mark. I've been trying to do 3 hours in between, but sometimes I either have to do 2 hours (before the meeting) or 4 hours (after) Is there one way that's better than the other? Probably a dumb questions, but I want to ...
Read more : What's Better? | Views : 266 | Replies : 5

any one on right now

I have a question about the pudding it counts just like a shake or soup right??

so if i wanted to have it with dinner is that ok????

just checking didnt no for sure.
i am not having more then one a day today is actually my 2nd day but i was going to have that as item #4 with my dinner as a treat thing and then have my last thing later when watching ...
Read more : any one on right now | Views : 232 | Replies : 4


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