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It's 11 am and (even though I have a wicked bad sore throat which makes swallowing somewhat painful) I have already downed 48 oz of water. I didn't realize until I went to fill up my water bottle again! :mrgreen:
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i am obessed!!!

OKAY!!! I need to get rid of the scale. I've been weighing myself twice a day. I should be ashamed to even admit that! Should I hide it? :shock:
Read more : i am obessed!!! | Views : 837 | Replies : 15

Sugar Free Red Bull - magic potion or Toxic Demon Sludge?

Howdy, new guy here. I'm on day five and although there are no hunger problems, I'm feeling a little tired. I assume that's the metabolism change talking. I've always been a fan of Sugar Free Red Bull - 10 calories and 3 g carbs per can. Having one (no more than one a day, and not every day at that) seems to pick me up. So before I get too deep into it:

1) Will ...
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Egg Salad question :)

Hi Everyone :wave:

Just a quick question on having egg salad. :?:

I am NOT a vegetarian and would like to know if I can have two eggs as my "Lean" from the L&G tonight. I was thinking of mixing them with my 2tsp low fat mayo and having them on lettuce leaf "bread" with a slice of tomato ...
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It came!!!

I am so excited! My MF just arrived by UPS. I was planning on starting tomorrow but I just couldn't wait!!!I had the chocolate shake and was a little surprised to find that I really like it!! I had been thinking that I may need to add some sugar free flavor syrup to it but I didn't.

So bye bye extra pounds!!!!! :cleader:
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Hey everybody! Newbie here

After much lurking and reading here, I called the 1-800 number and placed my first Medi-fast order!

I spoke to the very nice and helpful Becky. I am so ready to do this! I need to loose around 50 pounds. I am a student nurse and so many health problems I see at clinicals are all related to obesity. How can I councel my patients on getting better when I am headed in the wrong ...
Read more : Hey everybody! Newbie here | Views : 750 | Replies : 16

Good Morning

Just wanted to say "Good Morning" to everyone. Awaiting my products. Will most likely be able to start this Thursday. Will keep in touch with everyone. Have a great day!
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I had to share!!

I am too excited about this. I am not sure what happened. For I was concerned about going off the Strict plan this past week because of Easter. But I lost another 3.5 lbs. YiPeeeeeee......I was surprised when I stepped on my scale this morning. I must have done something right, {even though I did cheat a little at the beginning.} I followed L & G Strictly Saturday and Sunday. I couldn't believe it. Whew. ...
Read more : I had to share!! | Views : 414 | Replies : 10

Question about staying on Medifast

I am thinking of trying Medifast again. My question is: How do people go from overeating (that's why most of us are overweight) to being able to limit themselves to the Medifast regime? It takes so much willpower to stick to a plan like this, so what prevents most people from just applying that same willpower to eating right and losing the weight that way? The last time I tried Medifast, I would get such ...
Read more : Question about staying on Medifast | Views : 1148 | Replies : 11

Newbie in the house

Okay after many diets and yoyo weight gains I have found my way to medifast by way of my doctor. I went in for a full blood workup mainly becasue at 41 I have never had my cholesterol checked. While during my initial visit the Dr. mentioned Medifast but suggested we talk about it on my follow-up visit after the test results were in. Well I am happy and shocked to say that my blood ...
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