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Joining the party

Hello all. I'm Mike, Diana's hubby, and Dayna's brother-in-law (if you happen to have met those two fabulous ladies) :)
I finally decided to hop on the forum bandwagon, so here I am.
So far I have been on the program for a bit over 2 weeks and have lost 15 lbs.
I have battled weight all of my life.. literally. I finally decided to have gastric ...
Read more : Joining the party | Views : 453 | Replies : 13


Hiya everyone.
I was told about this place by a "online" friend. She has been doing real good with this and I thought about giving it a look. I am impressed. I guess I have a few question not really sure where to start so I thought I would introduce myself and go from there after I read more here.
Read more : Browsing | Views : 281 | Replies : 9

how late can I eat?

I work until 10pm and am sometimes hungry when I get out. Is it ok to have a shake or is it too late?
Read more : how late can I eat? | Views : 453 | Replies : 6

I may have made a boo boo!


Here is what happened. I made taco's for dinner tonight and had read the package for the seasoning and thought it sounded safe. Afterwards, I got to looking at the package and realized the amounts for everything were wrong because they were basing the amounts listed on it on a 1 serving size instead of the 6 serving size that was actually in the package!

Please help me figure this out. I used 2 ...
Read more : I may have made a boo boo! | Views : 442 | Replies : 12

I never would have imagined

I can't believe that I have so much energy! It's incredible! :whoohoo: :bouncieball: :whoohoo: :dance: I'm not moving that fast though! :lol: All I can say is I love it! I love Medifast and how ...
Read more : I never would have imagined | Views : 355 | Replies : 10

New to MF and starting to feel failure...

I did so well for two weeks... Nothing could get in the way of me and my "old body"... I lost 8 lbs and the cheating began... not only was I actually cheating I was CONSTANTLY thinking of cheating... the Easter bunny brought JUNK pure JUNK to my 5 children and guess who is devouring it with the thought that if it is gone I will be able to "re-focus" I am down a total ...
Read more : New to MF and starting to feel failure... | Views : 901 | Replies : 18

A funny thing happened on the way to surgery...

I have a funny story about not being recognizied that I mentioned in another post but decided to create my own post so that everyone could get a chuckle.

I had knee surgery yesterday and as I was walking into the hospital holding my hubby's hand, a friend of mine drove by and did a double take. She called me later to tell me that when she first looked at the couple crossing the street ...
Read more : A funny thing happened on the way to surgery... | Views : 303 | Replies : 3

Wake up call

I had a complete bummer that turned positive today.

Went shopping with my mom and my size clothes I wear now (20) wouldn't even fasten on my waist. :x I refused to buy a BIGGER size

Just made me change my mind about going to dinner with her! Said no thank you, went home and had soup.

This made me glad I found Mf and made me ...
Read more : Wake up call | Views : 307 | Replies : 4

changing tastes?

I'm just wondering if anyone has found that their taste for things has changed? I have always loved coffee but I tried to have a cup today and I couldn't drink it because it tasted so nasty! :(
Read more : changing tastes? | Views : 491 | Replies : 13

This is going to be tough!!!

A week from Saturday is my husband's company Crawfish boil. That is my ultimate weakness....I absolutely love is a delcasey of the South, for those who don't know what it it's my first time having them this year.....I know I am going to be hungry for I have a class that morning...and I'll be coming from that to the's going to be hard....but I hope I can do it....
Read more : This is going to be tough!!! | Views : 575 | Replies : 8


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