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Questions before I begin

Postby Kittykat » January 21st, 2006, 11:31 am

Hello, I have alot of weight to lose (80lbs) and I am considering the Medifast Plan. Can I please get some information on the following questions?

Aproximately how many Calories are consumed in day on the medifast plan with the lean green plan?

What are the main ingriedients in the shakes, pudding, replacements ect?

What is the Sucess rate? Is there certain traits in people that this plan works for vs others?

I have read thru this forum and there seems to be a great amount of suport with each other. Forgive me if i seem skeptical. I just want to be sure before I shell out alot of money.

Thanks :roll:
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Postby Nicki » January 21st, 2006, 7:05 pm

Hi Kitty - I'm totally with you on doing the research before making an investment, and where weight loss is concerned there is an emotional investment as well as a financial one, so you're doing the right thing. And I think you've come to the right place. While our fearless leaders are conferencing I'll try to give you some highlights.

Regarding caloric intake:
Nancy wrote:On the weight loss phase, we are trying to maintain between 80-85 grams of carbohydrates and 800-1000 calories per day in order to stay in the mild dietary state of ketosis - best known as The Fat Burning State.

Ingredients: The MakeMeThinner home page has a site map with links to the ingredients of the shakes, chili, and bars. If you have any trouble finding it, a certain webmaster could probably be persuaded to post a link when he catches up after the big weekend.

I don't know what the success rate is or info about traits etc. so I'll just give you my own thoughts on that, i.e. take with a grain of salt. I think this plan would work for anyone who is serious about losing weight and getting healthy. We are taking in fewer calories than we are burning so weight loss is the natural result plus we are keeping our protein at good levels so we are not losing muscle in the process. I've personally never been able to stick to a plan this long, with this much ease, nor this much weight loss. A big difference between this plan and all the others has been the support of this forum and my health advisor ... its amazing how having your own personal support system makes the journey so much easier.

Surf around that site map ... there is also a terrific FAQ and other juicy information. All the best in your making your decision, and good luck with any plan you choose!
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Postby DogMa » January 21st, 2006, 8:04 pm

You also can check out the main Medifast site or do a quick Web search to get some info on the Johns Hopkins study, which tested the plan on diabetics (I believe they also use Medifast to treat their diabetic patients who are overweight).

There's also a nurse line of some sort that you could probably call (if you search this site, you'll find it).

Hope that helps. I think most of us were pretty skeptical when we first started (or before we started). I know I was. The short-term success rate is high; the long-term success rate is lower, just as it is with all weight-loss plans. The key, of course, is sticking with it. For me, this has been a pretty easy plan to live with, and I can see maintaining my loss partly by continuing to use the Medifast products part of the time (which is how most of the folks who've reached goal seem to do it).

Hope this helps, and good luck to you whatever you decide. (Also, when figuring the cost, please consider how much you normally spend on food in a month - including restaurants, fast food, vending machines, snacks, etc. You'd be surprised how much that adds up to.)

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Postby Nancy » January 21st, 2006, 11:45 pm

Hi, KittyKat!

Your name is Purrrrrfectly cute! We have a lot of people here on our Forum that have lost more than 80 pounds and some are in the process of going for 20 pounds and others for more than 100 pounds - this is where we learn how to stick to the program and to encourge and support one another because we are like you -concerned about having to do this just this time and not to have to keep on doing re-dos!

I want to thank you all for jumping in here and replying to KittyKat in my absence. We were at a conference this weekend and I am weary after getting but 2.5 hours sleep last night and serving all day.

It was excellent and as always, I learned new things and felt blessed to be able to speak to others about our excellent program and products.

Many people need what we have. Medifast saves lives.

My husband Terry and I spoke this morning and we are thankful that our friend and fellow Health Advisor here at MMT Jan served on our panel discussion. She did an A+ job!

Some of the wonderful benefits of our program include the fact that we do not need to be mathematicians or gourmet cooks!

Because we've often been conditioned by other programs to count calories, this may seem a little foreign, but rest assured, our parent company Medifast has gone before us and figured out the calories and the carbohydrates for us.

They’ve done the shopping and the preparation, all we need to do is look at the menu, decide what we want to eat every three hours, fill a little plastic jar with 8 ounces of water, rip off the top of an envelope and shake it or nuke it (if it’s soup, oatmeal, etc.) and eat.

No more counting calories is really wonderful – it means we have more time to do other things with our family and friends!

Each packet also contains the 24 essential vitamins and minerals we need to lose weight safely and rapidly. During the weight loss phase we need not worry ourselves about the nutrition part, our job is to stick to the program, follow the guidelines for the lean protein the vegetable portion; the weight comes off.

Physicians have used Medifast since 1977 to help people like me and many hundreds of thousands (actually over a million ) of overweight people to lose weight, reach optimal health and to maintain their weight.

Weight loss is not easy and you are right to wonder about the success rate. I certainly wondered that, too before I began yet ANOTHER weight loss program because I felt like such a weight loss drop-out, a total failure at winning the losing game.

What we learn during the weight loss phase helps prepare us for lifelong maintenance: we become familiar with our eating triggers and learn how to change our behaviors, prepare in advance what we will eat and stick to our plan, control our food intake, eat 5-6 small meals daily – never skip breakfast! Eat low fat, low calorie meals and include exercise most every day. Exercise is not a super important component during the weight loss phase but it IS vital for weight maintenance. Portion size is critical and we learn that during weight loss. We must monitor our weight frequently and maintain a support system.

Losing weight with Medifast is consistently faster than with other programs. It is vital to properly go through transition and maintenance, to slowly reintroduce foods and to exercise – this must be a change in the way we live. To keep our weight loss permanent, we must make permanent changes; changes in the way we view food and permanent changes in the way we live.

I don’t have the latest findings on our weight loss success, it is about the same for most weight loss programs. I do not like to focus on the failure rates of any weight loss programs – I was a loser at losing until I met Medifast. This may not be what you’re looking for but it has proven to be successful for many of us. I was totally out of control with food; I could not be trusted with a fork. The packets were ideal for me.

In the same way that weight loss is up to the individual to do, maintenance success is also up to the individual. With the support of our MakeMeThinner Forum and a personal Health Advisor, we have all we need to be winners at losing. My success can be your success; the success of us all can be your success.

Here’s the link to the product nutritional chart ... rofile.htm

Here’s a link to our site map with the product ingredients of some products

There is a National Nurse’s Conference Call on Monday evenings for folks on the Take Shape for Life program to call in and listen and ask questions. Every week Nurse Lori Andersen directs the topic and gives information for weight loss success and health goals. She answers questions at the end of the call, as time permits. It is usually about half an hour in length. Nurse's Call Every Monday 8:30pm - 9:00pm ET (646) 519-5860 pin 0971#

You may also email the
Nurse’s Phone Number is (877) 270-5704 Mon, Wed and Thurs 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM, Eastern Standard Time

Perhaps after you read thru some of the Forum pages a little more - especially the Studio and see the pictures of people who have lost weight, you will be able to make an informed decision. Of course I will tell you this stuff works!
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Newbie with Questions

Postby Kitty kat » January 22nd, 2006, 8:25 pm

Wow! Thanks to all of you for your response. I am currently on Xencial perscribed by my Doctor. I have has A 5 pound weight loss and the last week 1/2.. I am not comfortable taking medication for A long period of time. I want to finish out my persciption for the next month and plan a start date for the medifast plan. I am going to continue my research and consult with my doctor. I have not doubts about the awsome support I will recieve in th is Forum!

Thanks Again!!! :mrgreen:
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Kitty kat

Postby Nancy » January 23rd, 2006, 9:02 am

Kitty ~

Over the years I took drugs for weight loss and all I did was have some very nasty side effects and pay out a lot of $ for things that did not 'cure' me.

I think you'll soon find that we are able to lose weight with Medifast and not have any harmful side effects - this is purely good-for-us food. After a few days, true hunger goes away.

If a person does experience hunger after the first few days then we can consider having our packets a little bit closer together, analyzing the timing of the packets, considering using one or two of our Medifast Plus with Appetite Suppression (a natural fiber from fruit pulp added to increase the sense of fullness) during the 'hungry' time, perhaps using a Pepcid to slow down the stomach acid production and be sure to drink all of the water - thirst can sometimes disguise itself as hunger.

Best wishes to your success!
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Nswbie with Question

Postby Kitty Kat » January 23rd, 2006, 10:33 pm

Thanks for the info Nancy!! I had assumed that the shake with the appetite suppressent was ephedra or some other type of speedy type medicine. I can't take that type of medicine or I will never sleep :shock
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Kitty Kat

Postby Nancy » January 24th, 2006, 9:55 am

Kitty Kat ~

Nope! There is NO epehdra or questionable herbs of any kind in any of our products!

The Appetite Suppression shakes contain Super Citrimax™ the all-natural pulp from Garcinia Cambogia that biochemically balances our blood lipid levels and energy metabolism it also has the Medifiber™ that helps keep hunger away and also has been shown to lower cholesterol. You won't need to worry about it amping you up, affecting your BP or keeping you up for days. We just get excited about our weight loss and THAT makes us feel a lot better, doesn’t it?

Our Medifast products contain good-for-us food - pure and simple nutrition. Many of us give our children the shakes, soups, oatmeal, puddin' and of course the meal bars - they love them! Not for weight loss mind you but for nutritional supplements.

The Medifast Plus Women's Health shakes do contain Echinacea, black cohosh and chaste tree berry - natural herbs associated with helping to relieve personal saunas, crankiness and provide support for a woman's immune system and also Super Citrimax™ and coenzyme Q10 and pycnogenol®

Rest assured, Kitty, the products are safe and nutritious.

For once in our life, we feel good and have excellent energy because we are eating so much better. My husband used to crash in a carbed-out stupor after supper and now he stays up late and feels great.

Our 7 month old grandson Nicky LOVES the peach oatmeal - it is so cute to watch him chew the peach bits with his two teeth. He has a sippy of his Daddy's Bananner 70 shake every day - there is nothing harmful whatsoever in the Medifast products!
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