a newbie -- with a question....

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a newbie -- with a question....

Postby kishwatson » September 8th, 2005, 9:08 pm

Hi, all -

As a newbie - started the MF plan 25 August, and down at least 5 pounds, I'm really liking the program.

My question is :
I have a shake when I first get up, then I either have a bar or oatmeal then take my meds/supplements...a couple hours later I'm feeling a bit green. I have to have either a shake or a soup to alleviate my nausea. Would it be okay if I had a bar and shake together, or oatmeal and shake together to possibly help in keeping the nausea at bay? Would that affect the MF program?

Thanks for all responses! :D
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Postby Sablebaby » September 9th, 2005, 1:57 am

Hi there!

I live in Peoria, AZ! Welcome! What part of scottsdale do you live? I grew up over there and just moved to Peoria this year...near 101/union hills area. I don't have answer to your question, sorry.

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Postby Mommy2girls » September 9th, 2005, 7:46 pm

Kathy I have no clue about the nausea. I think it is permitted to occassionally "double" up on your Medifast supplements. For instance if you have missed one, it is okay to have 2 at once. But I'm not certain that applies to every day (doubling up.) Ideally your supplements should be spaced about 3ish hours apart.

Would maybe drinking some extra water help? Getting at minimum 64oz of water a day is SO important (not just for using Medifast but for daily life!)

I would be concerned if the nausea is something new or different, and hasn't gone away. You are still pretty new on the plan but I would be concerned if this is a continuing trend for you. I would certainly talk to a dr. nurse or health advisor for more advice.

Congrats on the 5lbs, you are doing great!

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Postby Nancy » September 9th, 2005, 8:54 pm

Dear kishwatson ~

Welcome to the Forum!

Regarding your nausea and medications - there could be several things going on here. If you have been taking these same meds for a while and at the same time of the day, what did you take with them before you started the program?

Did you take them with food?

If these are new meds, I'd talk to the pharmacist and see if this is a common side effect and what he/she would suggest. Take a label from the box of shakes and soup with you.

Since you seem to tolerate the meds with a shake or a serving of soup, are you able adjust the time of day that you take the meds? Do you take them more than once a day?

We recommend that you have oatmeal for breakfast or a shake and then eat every two - three hours thereafter.

It is not a good idea to have a shake and bar at the same meal if you are on the weight loss program; we need smaller meals eaten frequently throughout the day rather than fewer larger meals. For people who use Medifast products for weight management, it is usually not a problem to have a shake and bar at one time but again, not for weight loss.
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Postby mytime » September 9th, 2005, 8:58 pm

Kathy when I first started I was very dizzy and thought I had the flu. This however, did not last beyond about 4 days and I think it was related to sodium loss as I was drinking a lot of diet soda when I started and bascially went down to none or one. What I did find was that drinking the Fast Soup really helped (or boullion) as it restored some of the sodium. Also 2 questions 1. Could you be pregnant ? If so see your MD ASAP and 2. What makes you think more calories would help ? In other words that having two supplements at the same time would make a difference ? I think you think it might be the vitamins etc. Nancy has said that ibuprofin can hurt our stomachs and suggests avoiding it so maybe you need to take your vitamins etc with meal ? At any rate I suggest you contact your HA and see your MD if you have not already. With all of that said - WELCOME !!!! We love to have new folks and it sounds like you are doing great.Keep up the great work !!!! Mytime
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Postby Nancy » September 9th, 2005, 9:06 pm

Good call on the sodium - there are just so many things that affect people the first few days but kish said she's been on the program since August 25th and it has now been two weeks so I should think that if is were merely sodium-related that she would be over that by now. Being preggers is a whole new issue and a possibility, too.

It is needful to call your HA.

It is not always feasable to disclose everything about ourselves on a public forum and there are some things we just must not make suppositions about, Little Darlin' so give your Health Advisor a call or check with the doc or advice nurse. You can always call the Take Shape For Life Nurse next week. I'll send you her phone number.
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Postby kishwatson » September 9th, 2005, 9:40 pm

Thanks to all the replies! :D

My problem seems to come from the vitamins I take. I usually get the kickback when I eat a very light breakfast, or no to minimal breakfast. I used to eat a piece of toast, and that would alleviate the problem. But haven't been doing that since I've been on the MF plan. I suppose I could take the vitamins with my lean meal. I'm also taking a prescription diuretic and potassium -- diuretic once a day, potassium twice a day. So maybe the potassium may be a cause. I'm going to get off both of these when the weight comes off a bit more. Perhaps I should order the crackers, and eat them with my breakfast of oatmeal or bar.

As for the question of being pregnant -- ah, nope.

Yes, I'm drinking gobs of H2O. 88 ounces.

Thanks again for the replies! :D :D
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Postby mytime » September 9th, 2005, 9:56 pm

Kathy - sounds like a great plan. Let us know how it goes. Mytime
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Postby Nancy » September 9th, 2005, 11:21 pm

Kathy ~

Try having the potassium after you drink your shake.

Vitamins can sometimes make people feel hinky all right. Perhaps having the vitamin with your Lean and Green or at lunch time after your soup might do the trick. By then you will have had a few packets in your tummy and be able to better tolerate it.

I doubt very much that the diruretic is causing any nausea problems.
So you won't be going wee wee all the night long, I'd take it in the morning with your morning shake.

It is really interesting how some medications can give us side effects that are yuckier than the malady. As we lose weight, many of us are able to eliminate or significantly reduce the dosages and that is wonderful. One of the best things about Medifast is that it is nutritional intervention rather than pharmaceutical intervention - there are no yucky side effects to being healthy!

Best wishes to you, Kish!
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Postby kishwatson » September 10th, 2005, 8:21 pm

I sure appreciate everyone's imput! Thanks so much! :D

I'll keep you all posted -- yes, it is really interesting how some vitamins and meds can react -- I can hardly wait to get off of all prescription meds! And I will.

I'll be calling the TSFL nurse on Monday -- and let you all know her recommendation for me as well.

Thanks again! :D
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