by Tiolazz » May 2nd, 2006, 4:13 pm
Evening all, I too was diagnosed with PCOS in my younger years. I was married at 18 and 10 months later had an ovarian wedge resection due to the degree of damage that the cysts had done to my ovaries.
They took all of my left, and 3/4 of my right ovary. They didn't wake me up first, ask my permission or anything. Needless to say, upon my waking up they informed me that since I only had 1/4 ovary if I wanted to try to have kids, I better get started. funny thing is, I didn't want to have kids, UNTIL they told me that I couldn't... You can't ever tell me that I CAN'T do something. LOL
Well, we tried everything, schedules, my hubby laying in ice cold baths, changing to boxer shorts, everything to no avail... one year later I was instructed that I need a hysto cause the cysts were again very bad and growing. I was scheduled for a hysto on June 23rd, went for a 2nd opinion with a fertility specialist on June 15th, and guess what.... I was preggers.... Had a baby girl in 79 and then whalah, had a boy in 81....
Moral to the story girls, is don't ever believe for a certainty what the dr's tell you when it comes to your reproductive chances. I proved them wrong twice. Had to have that hysto when I was 25, but had two wonderful kids by then, and proved those buggars wrong.
so hang in there, try to relax and let nature take it's course, if it is meant to be, it will be, if not, then it wont....
just some of this old ladies advise, for what it is worth...