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Postby Arklahoma » March 23rd, 2006, 1:53 am

I'm doing the full fast under medical supervision and I just had a question. I've been having my five MF meals plus two cups of skim milk per day (I like to have two latte's in the am for breakfast). My MD doesn't have a problem with it, and I've been losing 4-5 lbs per week but I'm just wondering if this is enough to take me out of ketosis as I'm probably having more than 85 g carbs on most days (b/c I always have one bar per day and one pkg of crackers).
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Postby Marseilles » March 23rd, 2006, 7:26 am

Hello Ark and welcome!

First and foremost, and I know the HA's will agree, I would not do anything different than what your MD recommends when you are on the full fast as he is the professional. If my understanding is correct, the two cups of skim milk pretty much equate to another two shakes (minus the nutrient content) and will not hurt you or put you out of ketosis. As a matter of fact, 8oz of skim milk is recommended to help maintain ketosis safely if you are ever in a crunch and run out of products while waiting for a shipment. Now, having said that, while the protocol for the full fast used to be FIVE shakes/supplements a day, it has since been changed to SIX shakes/supplements a day. people eating a lean and green meal daily now have five supplements. I am unaware from your post as to whether or not your MD is aware of this and due to the two cups of skim milk has you staying at five or if perhaps you should bring it to his attention. So long as you limit yourself to one bar a day and follow as you have been doing, I would venture to say you will remain in ketosis just fine. Do stay under your MD's care though, while doing the full fast, and perhaps ask him about adding another shake?

I hope this helps. Best of luck with your weightloss, I would say 4-5 lbs a week is fantastic and you are on a roll. Looking forward to hearing all about your journey and getting to know you along the way!

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Postby Nancy » March 23rd, 2006, 8:30 am

Arklahoma ~

I would concur with Marseille's observations. Acutally it is doubtful that you'd be getting 16 ounces of skim milk in two lattes unless you're having super huge-o grande verde humongo lattes...your MD approves (first and foremost the best source for your personal needs), your weight loss is going great, you are satisfied and sticking to your plan and if hunger has been controlled and your energy level is good, it's working for you, Ark. You're probably right in the keto zone. ;)

Some people are more sensitive to caffeiene when Medifasting so if you start getting a real :boing: buzz, you may want to request that one of those lattes be de-caffed.

Enjoy your latte mornings and the thinnin' process! :yeah:
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Postby Arklahoma » March 23rd, 2006, 12:31 pm


Thanks for the insightful info. My doc is not a MF doc so she may be unaware. I was under the impression that five MF products provided 100% of daily Vit/Min so I concurred with her decision to do five. I feel great, energetic, and am almost never hungry, so I feel like I'm doing okay but on other MF boards the advice is to strictly stay under 80-85 g carbs/day. Just didn't want to do anything to hinder my progress on purpose.
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Postby Arklahoma » March 23rd, 2006, 12:38 pm


Thanks for the reply. Actually, I do get 8oz of skim milk in each latte b/c my husband and I have a super-automatic espresso machine in our kitchen and I measure the milk myself. I am aware of MF's advice to decrease caffeine and, believe it or not, this is a very decreased amount of caffeine consumption for me (My husband and I used to have a mail order business where we imported and sold coffee, tea, chai and related accessories. I used to drink this stuff all day long). I feel the greatest that I've ever felt in my life and so full of energy. Got the ketosis breath and rarely get hungry so I feel like I'm in the zone but just wanted to sure b/c you guys seem so knowledgable. Thanks a million!!!
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Postby lan » March 26th, 2006, 7:12 pm

Hi, Arklahoma,

Since your Dr. says you can have the milk, have you thought of having Hood's Carb Countdown reduced carb milk?

Then you would be sure you were not thrown out of ketosis.

I have enjoyed reading your posts.

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Postby Arklahoma » March 27th, 2006, 2:08 pm

Lan ... I have not considered the carb reduced milk. Have you tried it before? I'm kind of sensitive about my am coffee and have not even dreamed of touching the magic formula :)

I'm glad that you've enjoyed my posts, and very happy to think that maybe I'm contributing something to the group!

Best of luck to you as well.
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Postby DogMa » March 27th, 2006, 4:06 pm

I had it sometimes when I was on Atkins. I'm no milk drinker, but it tasted like the real thing to me.

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Postby Arklahoma » March 27th, 2006, 4:11 pm

Thanks, DogMa ... I'll check it out!
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Postby Diana » March 27th, 2006, 8:08 pm

You know, Ark, as long as you're still losing weight, you can probably hold off on the switch (given how much you like the stuff) until you've hit a major platteau.

Given what you're consuming, I doubt the 2c of milk is going to take you out of ketosis. The success of this program is a MILD state of ketosis, not the full-throttle version associated with, say, Atkins.

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Postby Arklahoma » March 27th, 2006, 9:12 pm

I know what you mean. Unless I hit some major stall, I doubt I'll change up anything. I've actually done very well so far, so probably no reason to mix it up.
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Postby lan » March 30th, 2006, 1:57 pm

Just to reply to your inquiry--I cannot tell that Carb Countdown is not just regular milk.
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Postby Arklahoma » March 30th, 2006, 6:32 pm

Lan ... Thanks for the update. I went to their website and it does look like regular milk with sugar taken out and splenda put back in. Each 8 oz serving is 9 grams of carbs less than the skim milk that I'm drinking so it's nothing to snear one's nose at; however, I'm still losing at a pretty good clip. When I was at the store the other day, I checked the price and it was $4 per 1/2 gallon so I'm gonna stick with what I'm doing until I see a slowdown in my weight reduction. When and if that ever happens then I may be willing to spend that kind of $$$.
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Postby Loribug » March 30th, 2006, 6:42 pm

If I'm not mistaken though it has the benefit of alot longer shelf life, I can't tell you how much milk I've thrown away in my lifetime because I drank it occassionally
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Postby Arklahoma » March 30th, 2006, 6:59 pm

Doesn't happen in my house. I had to cut DOWN to two latte's a day. I used to drink this stuff all day and my husband still drinks alot, but he's slowly coming around to my way of thinking. You'd think we have a room of toddlers in the house the way we go through milk :lol:
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