I'm new to the medifast thing. I haven't started yet, but have ordered 2 weeks of materials to give it a shot.
I'm sort of at my wits end with myself. I'm only 24 and I weigh an absolutely disgusting 250 lbs. Just thinking about it makes me start crying. Some people have the excuse of being big bonned, but I don't. I was a really petite little kid, but since my family are a big bunch of emotional eaters, they taught me to be that way too. We never cooked dinner, we ordered a pizza. It's a lifetime of bad habits.
I've been about the same weight (or at least I assume I have...I only recently worked up the nerve to try a scale....I have been in the same jean size though) for about 5 or 6 years. This leads me to believe that I don't have a problem with maintenance. I have a completely different schedule than my relatives ( I live with my sis and bro in law), so their eating has nothing to do with me. I don't eat that much most of the time. My main problems are getting bored/depressed and then having a binge session. Gross.
I decided to try medifast because I just need something to jump start this whole process. I need to show myself some solid results that will motivate me to continue losing. I also want to get down to a point where I feel good again...where I don't hate myself. I don't remember what it feels like to not be fat. I'm sick of being the fat best friend and having everyone tell me how cute my friends are and ask me how to hook up with them. I just need out of this body.
I have some concerns. Mainly, three. One, I work at a tourist attraction and there's nothng healthy to eat around there at all, so temptation is all around me. Not to mention that once a week, I'm expected to go out with my co-workers to have lunch at one of these less than savory places and if I say I'm not going, people will think something is wrong with me. Second, once a week I go out with my co-workers for drinks and pool at a bar near work. I love going, and I would miss doing it. If I don't drink, they're going to think something is wrong with me. I know the answer to this would be to tell my co-workers that I'm on medifast, but I don't want to. When I talk about weight, I start to cry, not to mention, I'm positive they wouldn't approve of losing weight as quickly as is possible on medifast.
Thirdly, since I am on the heavy side, I'm scared of having excess skin....there's no way I could afford surgery to have it removed and my insurance probably wouldnt cover it because it would be considered cosmetic. I'm worried that I'll feel even worse about myself standing in front of a mirror with a bunch of skin hanging off of me than I do being fat.
I guess it's all pretty trivial. I just need some guidance and support.
(and an editor..wow...this is a long post!